Rode for the first time in months, hurt so bad felt like I was in an accident

So, for the moment the towel was thrown in. I rode a horse for 5min at the walk and due to how bad my joints are getting it felt like I was in a car accident. My spine and pelvis were like they had been crushed. I had a break down after that.

The good news is that a wonderful and talented trainer is taking on the TB to sell. She is picking him up this weekend, along with one of the stallions for her husband to lease for jumpers.

I am NOT GIVING UP! I promise everyone, and myself that. I can still lunge horses (on the days that it is ok for me to drive my car, boy does car movement set of vertigo) and work them in the long lines. Just thought I would post an update. Hopefully the insurance company lets me get my port put back in and get the meds that I need for the minimum six months

Until I can ride again I will still give lessons on my good days and work with my 2yr.

Once again I would not wish advanced chronic lymes on anyone, well maybe the CDC so that they know what this feels like as it is them that are enabling the insurance company to not give me my meds:mad:

Sorry about spelling if it is off. I am having to type things many times over to even get it legible.

Wishing you the best…we will support you here.

Thanks DressageGeek. The two horses are being picked up this weekend. I am sad but also glad. The pain from riding the one day made me realize that I won’t even be able to hack the horses this spring or summer for the most part, and even if the pain goes away, if my insurance covers it I can’t ride with a port in my chest as the tube goes down to my heart. Not a good thing to have in you if you fall off of a horse.

I have a feeling you guys will be seeing e on here a lot on the days I can type and the computer screen does not make me ill

Lyme can become chronic?!?!?!? You poor thing!

Hope they get your meds straightened out!

There is always the option of driving your horse. 4 wheel vehicles with air suspension make nice rides. Yes, it is a whole set of new equipment but if you want to play more with your horses it might be worth thinking about especially with the young 2 year old. You could see if he could be evaluated as a possible driving horse…

I hope everything works out for you med wise…


Hang in there GQ!
What do you have planned for your 2 year old? I’ve been looking clicker training as being low impact and high value for my youngsters

No advice, just gentle hugs. I wouldn’t wish chronic pain on anyone.

Thanks everyone for all the support.
Cadriver- I would drive if it didn’t scare the crap out of me! lol. I know how to drive, and I have trained horses to cart, but I prefer to be where it is safe, on their back jumping cross country : )

Stacie- I just plan on working with my 2yr on manners. He already ties, is great for the vet and farrier, so I will just haul him different places, do some free lunging in the large round pen for exercise, maybe get him use to a pony saddle, but other then that I don’t do much with my guys until their late 3 year old year, and he does not even turn 2 until July 28th.

My TB leaves on Sunday, I am just thankful that the trainer is doing us a favor by taking him on for just us paying the entry costs at events and his farrier and vet work. She is training him and boarding him for free and only taking 15% of the sale price. On top of that she is an amazing rider. Infact my 2yr sire that I was training is going down and being leased by her husband to show in the jumpers. They are both excited that the horses are coming down to KY to them.

i am glad for you that you found a good situation for your horses!

Thanks everyone for all the support.
Cadriver- I would drive if it didn’t scare the crap out of me! lol. I know how to drive, and I have trained horses to cart, but I prefer to be where it is safe, on their back jumping cross country : )

LOL, watching people jump over those huge cross country jumps scares the crap out of me:-) I’m not sure anything with horses is really safe. Which is one reason we all have them. Happy to hear things are working out and enjoy the young one.

Diane Kastama