Roll call...

Let’s all introduce ourselves and any program that we may work with. I’ll go first…

I am an occupational therapist and work at NARHA Premiere Accredited Somerset Hills Handicapped Riding Center in NJ. We offer adaptive/therapeutic riding, equine assisted speech, occupational and physical therapy (hippotherapy), school programs, equine assisted psychotherapy, therapeutic driving and seasonal vaulting. I work with NARHA and AHA.

It’s great to have a forum that focuses on riding skills for those with disabilities and the challenges that riders with special needs face.

Well, I have fibromylagia and am 90% healed from chipping my spine in a silly fall. I also worked as a volunteer at two of the local handicapped riding centers, both as a side walker/warm body and also as a more hands on instructor for high functioning riders. My TB did a stint as a therapuetic mount for riders who were learning to canter and do small cross rails. I also have experience in driving that I want to share with the paraquestian community if possible.

My name is Ellie, I have cerebal palsy, that effects primarily my left side. I used to do low level hunters up to 2’6. I am currently riding dressage and classified as a Grade III para FEI rider. I just started riding dressage and spent my first season doing training level. My plan is to do the grade III novice test and first level dressage next year.

Hello everyone!

I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome , Fibromyalgia, and Pernicious Anemia.

These days I’m taking dressage lessons on my Anglo-Trakehner mare, but I have also done hunters, jumpers, eventing, driving and a whole lot of trail riding in the past.

I’m not the competitive type, so I’m not planning on showing much, though I am going to try to haul my youngster out for some exposure next season. And if I could get some clinics in, that’d be great, too.

I’m here sort of by proxy - Special Horses Inc supports 501©3 organizations that directly rehab, rehome, rescue, or foster equines, but we also support 501©3 TH and EAT and Hippotherapy organizations. To me, there is much that all these organizations can do to help each other, as well as the larger equine community.

Of course, in addition, I’m here to support all my friends - just as they have supported me!

I’m an old warhorse psych nurse, used to work with a guy who did equine assisted therapy but alas he has relocated to TX and is working for the Army last I heard. I wanted to get into the EAT stuff but it didnt work out, plus funding disappeared for a lot of our clientele… so plans to investigate EGALA (sp?) and such are on hold indefinitely.

Anyway, my “disability” (besides being old and fat and generally getting creaky) consists of osteoarthritis that is present in several joints but is most troublesome in my right hand. I will soon resort to tugging up billets with my teeth, they are still in good shape.

I’m real interested in the topic of traumatic fear as an issue that disables riders as surely as injuries. Seeing a lot of it in my immediate vicinity and age group, have some experience of it personally.

My name is Tiffany and I have a learning disabitly and I have a 9 yr old paint mare named Beautiful and we do HUS and EQ.

I have MS and severe OA and some other issues thanks to a bizarre immune system :lol: My DD is an Aspie.

I have been studying and working with animal assisted therapies for more than 10 years now and have trained two dogs to service level. Now I just have semi-unruly farm dogs that I adore and a couple of them do some work in the community.

Over the past few years I was able to bring my love of horses to my daughter in hopes that Equine Therapy would be a beneficial alternative for her. It surpassed that…it changed her life. Over the years we became more involved and this year we started our own small facility.

We offer a farm based escape for children and adults with special needs, women and children learning to trust again, and children and adults who are in hospice care. This winter we will finish a 3 acre sensory trail and will begin the outdoor riding arena. A major part of our program is also evaluating and training horses from rescues and rehabs for new lives as therapy partners.

This year we will be offering our program not only at our farm, but at two other locations in our area…something we never expected to achieve so soon.

I love what I do. :):slight_smile:

Hi guys!

I have a bilateral hearing loss. I don’t have a specific discipline, but I love to ride what my horse enjoys and am always game to try something new. :smiley:

I was also accident prone and have several joint/cartilage injuries that do make things difficult from time to time.

I’m Katelyn. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which is currently worst in my low back, neck, wrists, ankles, hands, and big toes, along with the neuralgia and tingling/loss of sense that goes along with it all.

I also have a pacemaker, asthma, and went through Thyroid Cancer surgery/radiation. Plus, the general old “horse crash” injuries we all have - i.e. torn rotator cuff, broken bones, etc.

I have an 8yr OTTB mare, who I just started in June. I’ve ridden dressage, up to 3rd, before I retired my gelding. Did hunters non-competitively as a teen.

I am working on a Master’s Degree in Special Education and would like to do my Thesis on Hippotherapy, but am having trouble finding any peer-reviewed research to support my question.

Anyone who has any materials that might work, would be REALLY appreciated or I’m going to have to find a new question!

Katelyn did you try the Horses and Humans Foundation? They have gone above and beyond for me since late 2006. When I have questions or need literature, abstracts, or studies they are my first stop. I don’t have the web address handy but a quick google will find them easily.

I have tons and tons of materials here, shoot me a pm with some specifics and I will see what I can dig up for you.

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;4423091]
I’m here sort of by proxy - Special Horses Inc supports 501©3 organizations that directly rehab, rehome, rescue, or foster equines, but we also support 501©3 TH and EAT and Hippotherapy organizations. To me, there is much that all these organizations can do to help each other, as well as the larger equine community.

Of course, in addition, I’m here to support all my friends - just as they have supported me![/QUOTE]

And DGRH also serves on the BOD for my program so she is much more involved than she lets on :winkgrin:

:smiley: ssshhhhhhhhhh!!!

I am not disabled, but I help a WONDERFUL paraplegic driver compete my horses.

I’m a NARHA Advanced Instructor and have been involved with NARHA centers for almost 20 years. These days, I teach mostly riding skills to kids and teens with a focus on riding as sport, rather than therapy.

I am a farm owner and long-time horse business professional who is a NARHA certified instructor and in the process of developing my therapuetic riding business. I am neither a NARHA center nor a non-profit at them moment, and would be interested in hearing from those of you who are also mulling over those options. I should add that I have a major bureaucracy phobia.

I currently work with kids in our own and neighboring school districts who have learning disabilities, behavioral issues, and/or are trauma victims. My primary interest is in teaching actual riding skills and basic horsemanship-- I am comitted to the idea that the therapy is inherent in the activity.

I am located in Springfield, VT, in the Conn. River valley about 50 mi north of the MA border.

Para driver

I’m a T10 para. I did ride a bit after I was first injured but it took to many people to help and they had to just stand around and watch.:slight_smile: So I took up driving because I can drive with the help of 1 and they don’t even have to be a horse person, just follow directions and able to call 911. I compete mainly in CDE’s driving single, pair and tandem. Currently competing an Adv single and a prelim pair. I’ve competed in the East but mostly in the west and been to Europe a time or 2 for World Championships.

I have a need for speed, and I love driven dressage. My main Adv. driving horse has also been ridden and shown extensivly in ridden dressage.

Diane Kastama
Arroyo Grande, CA

I am on the autism spectrum (high functioning, genius really) and I do eventing.

My name is Sheilah and I have Cauda Equina Syndrome resulting from a soft injury to my spinal cord at L-4/L-5. I am numb from the waist down, but can walk and ride (although I don’t ride well at all).

I was involved with horses before my injury, and became an older, adult re-rider 4 years after my injury. I have been taking dressage lessons for 21 months.

I have bipolar disorder. I ride any horse anyone will let me but I hope to do eventing competitively when I get my life together.