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Roomy toe box in tall boots?

I now have hallux rigidus, so I need new tall boots with height in the toe box, not just width. I would love options in brown, so wondered what boots are actually comfortable for foot problems - not only the toe arthritis but low arches as well! Sigh:(. I’d prefer off the shelf, but “affordable” semi-custom could work as well. I’m run of the mill height and width overall - just can’t wear the lean/pointy ones anymore. Might have to explore mens boots??? TIA for inputs!

Have you tried DeNiros? I have a wide foot and have claustrophobic toes and find them quite comfy.

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I don’t know about off the shelf boots these days, but I have a pair of fully custom Kingsley Denvers and they have a cowboy boot shaped toe-box, so they’re on the roomier side. If you can normally fit into off the rack boots, then you may not need customs like I did, and you could possibly do either semi-custom or try to find some that are used. They’re maybe a little uncomfortable to break in for a few days, but I didn’t find it egregious.

Mountain Horse has some wider footbeds and more space in the toe with their rounded toe models. The Richmond has space in the toe box.

Ariat used to have some models that fit wider but I honestly haven’t worn their boots in years besides my old pair of Monacos with the square toe. The Heritage ones I bought in 2017 were the last pair I bought and they aren’t great for toe height.

My Sergio Grasso Evolutions are probably my current favorites though. They have some toe height and so many height/width options that even if you go for men’s sizing, you’d prob be able to find a match. They also come in brown. I am currently looking at their Energy model that has like the sneaker type foot but it’s not super bulky. They look comfortable but don’t know if I want to spend 600$ on boots.


Have you tried the more sneaker type boots? Do they have enough space and width? I know it’s a look that not everyone likes.

I know you’ve probably done this, but can you go to a tack store that has a lot of options and just try the footbeds/toe space that feel best to you?

I hate my toes being cramped especially after a pair of misfit skiing boots left me with some toenails missing.

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Mountain Horse has a variety of toe box shapes, including some wider ones. I have Serenade and Estelle. Serenade is roomier than Estelle, although not their widest. Kingsley makes a wide in the foot size, but is custom order.

I second the suggestion to try a pair of DeNiros. I have a foot neuroma which is seriously aggravated by any narrow shoe/boot. So far I have found DeNiros to be the best tall boot. I still take them off right after riding (ie limit walking around in them) but so far they are working for me. The leather is softer and as an added benefit they are easy to break in.

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I was just admiring the boots of my young horse starter and he said oh yeah I need custom boots and these are Deniros. They look so comfy too. I have terrible bunions and my plan is to get a pair.

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Wanted to update in case helpful to anyone else with similar issues! I joined the FB dressage boots group and got some ideas there as well, and ended up buying Premiere Equine Maurizia boots with front laces - off the shelf! I’d tried on some boots at Equine Affaire, and Romitellis were also comfortable, but with some research, wanted to try the more affordable options in case they worked, and I’m thrilled with how they fit! I’ve read good reviews here and on FB about the Premiere Equines, so hope they hold up. I got mine from Country and Stable, in brown:) I LOFF them so far!!!