Rotator cuff injuries - can't afford MRI

I’ve read several of the other threads about rotator cuff injuries but I have a different question. Mine stems from a financial aspect - I’ve called my insurance and I’m going to have to pay $940, my deductible, before they’ll cover anything.

This past year has been bad with car repairs, new roof, uterine polyp surgery and I don’t have the money.

My shoulder is not nearly as bad as most of the stories I read in the other thread. I hurt it initially two or three years ago then I tweaked it last summer carrying water buckets at a horse show. It’s more of a dull ache all the time but it does hurt when I try to do something I shouldn’t.

Very weak though - sometimes it gives out when I mount.

I know this isn’t a medical board and I’ll call the ortho but what would you guys do? Bite the bullet and use the only credit card you have enough left on to have it done or wait til the pain is worse?

I wouldn’t do the MRI. I have had 3 or 4 of them on various body parts & never once did they show a problem…of course the problem still existed, just not on the MRI.

I had tendonitis in my rotator cuff about 5 years ago. I let it go about 6 months longer than I should have before I really did anything. Since I stopped doing “things I shouldn’t” it froze up a little, think soft serve ice cream. :smiley: Two months of PT fixed it. I didn’t have a MRI on it then & the doc didn’t suggest one.

It’s been a little fragile since then; I’ve aggravated it a couple times lifting weights &/ sleeping on the wrong side. I did have a MRI on it 2 years ago when it flared up bad - MRI was clean as a whistle.

I was OK with that MRI, it was a complete CYA, but after a couple years of intermittent issues, it seemed reasonable. I would be hard pressed to do it again though.

Find yourself a good physiotherapist instead of the MRI, IMO. I had a lower rotator cuff injury that made me want to cut off my shoulder, and that STILL prevents me from sleeping on my left side. The physio should be able to give you exercises to help with the chronic pain too (PM me and I could try and describe a few to you).

Depending on what state you’re in you can go directly to some PTs (DPT) without a dr’s order, but only if a dr hasn’t treated the condition for 6 months.

Better than PT is an OT, Occupational Therapist. You will get help for the pain along with exercises tailored to get you back to functioning. A good OT will teach you what to do so you can mount, haul water buckets and any other activity that is important to you, and be pain free!
Any tear is treated by therapy first, surgery is a last resort. Also call around and tell them your insurance problem, you may be surprised at the help you get.

Ditto about the MRI. I have had rotator cuff issues for the past few years and finally got an MRI in December (after an 8 month wait in Canada). The MRI shows a small amount of inflammation, no tears so there is nothing they can do surgically. The pain was unbelievable so the ortho shoulder specialist recommended a cortizone injection into the bursa and then physio to build up the strength. I could not do the exercises prior to the injection as the pain got even worse from aggravating the shoulder.
The injection is about 3 weeks ago and so far, so good.

I agree with trying PT or OT. I tore my right rotator cuff in 2000 coming off a horse, had X-rays, MRI that showed the tear, but then the orthopedist said I might be better off not doing the surgery because I have rheumatoid arthritis, and surgery always stirs up problems for me. He was right–it healed fine on its own.

Now I’ve torn the left one over a year ago (no idea how), and I’ve been ignoring it. Well, ignoring it until I was biking, hit a patch of ice, and crashed right on my shoulder. I am still cussing about that one, and it’s been about three weeks since it happened. Anyway, I’m still attempting to treat it with benign neglect. We’ll see how that works out. It still hurts a lot.

Best of luck with whatever you choose, OP.

Funny coincidence–I was just telling a friend about this on Facebook about ten minutes ago. She is having major shoulder woes.


Just a thought; I hope you are taking some nsaids to help w/the pain. You CAN wait it out and let it heal some too but usually the pain is so bad some level of other treatment is helpful. What I want to caution you too is that sometimes those symptoms are indicative of cervical spine problems (like a herniated cervical disc) and your description of the arm weakness concerns me. And sometimes hospitals/radiology groups will take timed payments rather than one chunk. Call & ask and be sure to ask for the “self pay” rate as it’s usually about 30% lower than the "insured’s rate. Can’t hurt to ask and shop around too. A smaller mri unit can often be cheaper. And try one that’s hospital affiliated rather than a free standing for- profit unit. Good luck!

Wateryglen - I’m on Meloxicam right now and it does wonders. Advil didn’t do much for it all. I will definitely ask for the self pay rate if I have to in the future.

I talked to ortho doc’s nurse and she said he agreed that I could try physical therapy first.

It’s a good thing because now my hip has gone back out. eye roll If it’s not one thing it’s another. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and I have to get x-rays done today. I swear it feels like my left leg is being pulled tight — it hurts from the middle of my buttock down past my knee.

This forum has a been godsend! I searched last night and found some stretches in links previously posted that really helped.