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Round Bales Wanted in Lex, KY, will travel

I am looking for horse quality round bales, preferably lower sugar, but not too picky on this. I am going to be in Lexington, KY and will travel up to 4 hours to pick up a good load of hay. Have truck, trailer. Thanks!

how many ?

We usually get 8 at a time and bring them home and store them, that’s our month’s supply of hay. However, we have NO pasture out here, so that number may change once we get them to KY. How much do you charge for round bales? I think you’re about 4 hours away, but not exactly sure.

I have 100 tons +/- of round bales in the big barn at 900 lbs each.Shedded since the day they were baled. Just common grass.
I can get to Lexy via 27N in about 3 hours

Sent you a PM.

Sent you a PM.[/QUOTE]

Strange, I did not get that. I don’t like the new notification system. Try again? Sorry :frowning:

Tamara, I’m definitely looking for low NSC bales, I know you test, but do you sell out of lower NSC bales quickly? Can I just call and come get them? This is the first time I won’t have been boarding in about 10 years, so can choose my own hay. Have two “normal” horses and two PSSM horses, am trying to manage the two PSSM as best as possible.

actually no,most of my customers don’t want that quality of hay. I have not cored any of the rounds but I could for you. No promises however on the result. We added another 13 tons yesterday but they are 5x5 and more than most horse folks can manage at 1100lbs.