Running martingale or breastplate with running attachment

I need to get a new running martingale for my horse, but I was wondering if it makes more sense to get a breastplate. My saddle doesn’t slip, but is a breastplate safer (just in case) than a regular running martingale? Opinions?

I have seen both a breastplate and a running martingale used at the same time, too busy for me but if needed, you do what you need to. If you don’t need a breastplate, then don’t use one and just get the running martingale. I think as long as you have the rubber stoppers on and it is adjusted properly it should be safe.

Edited to add, I have never used a running martingale so I don’t really know from experience.

I like to have a breastplate just in case any time I jump outside the ring. If you’re only jumping on level footing and don’t have any slippage issues, you may not need one. An attachment will not be as adjustable as a regular running which is why some people use both.

the breastplate attachment went out in the 80’s. go for the regular old running