Sacro-iliac injury or sciatica?

I have severe lower back pain often. MRI showed bulging discs in all the Ls, with the one between L3 and L4 the worst because of a compression fracture in L3. However, I also have tripped/fallen a couple of times and severely jarred my right side when the knee hit straight. I’ve read that one of the symptoms of a sacro-iliac injury is not being able to sleep on the affected side. I can’t, and moving once in that position is extremely painful.

What sort of specialist would one go to in this situation? Orthopod, neuro, or rheumatologist? Cortisone helps immensely. I’ve taken a couple of rounds of Medrol dosepak, and the pain disappears. Once the dosepak is gone, the pain reappears.

Neurologist, who will refer you to neurosurgeon if needed. Orthopod might be able to do something, but around here will refer you to neurologist.

I just had a shot for my L5/S1, and it is helping. Nowhere near as severe an issue as yours, so I hope you can get some relief soon.

I would start with an osteopath or a very experienced cranio sacral practitioner!

I have had all sort of injuries and problems over the years. Could not live without my CS person.

You need to get things back where they belong. Osteopathy is very non-invasive and they could refer you on to someone else if needed.

I agree with the neurologist, you will probably need to also see a neurosurgeon. I had two herniated disks back in the 1980’s/1990’s, I toughed it out and got lucky and did not need surgery. But, if you are having pain in either of your legs, and the pain is affecting your gait/ability to walk, it is time to see a neurologist soon as you can.

There are few docs that specialize in SI joint dysfunction - I have it and I know the pain and lack of sleep. I agree with everyone that has suggested noninvasive measures first. Stairs, hills and sitting Indian style seem to make me worse… Maybe try avoiding those things. I would definitely get multiple opinions and avoid surgery at all costs. My PT had me use a lacrosse ball on painful trigger points in my butt and hip - you have to do it for about ten minutes and it hurts but I feel better afterwards. There are also some FB groups for sacroiliac joint dysfunction with some extremely knowledgable people in them and people are wiling to share info on specific docs and their experiences. Good luck!

I just had this happen to, but not nearly as severe as your injury.

I go in for cold laser treatments and it calms things down. I’m also doing a lot of working out and stretching to try to build my muscles. Don’t lose your core strength or you’ll be in a worse place than before.

In your case, I’d probably start looking into the surgeries :-/

I would start with an osteopath or a very experienced cranio sacral practitioner!

I have had all sort of injuries and problems over the years. Could not live without my CS person.

You need to get things back where they belong. Osteopathy is very non-invasive and they could refer you on to someone else if needed.[/QUOTE]

I see a wonderful osteopath and I agree with this recommendation :slight_smile: Find a good one, and they’ll also know the best people to send you to for further workup/treatment (at least if you find a doctor like mine!)

Since you have multiple vertebral bone issues; I’d recommend an orthopedic surgeon who is part of a “back pain” center so you can be offered multiple modalities of treatment. I don’t recommend osteopaths/cs practitioners or chiropractors. JMHO!!

What about medical schools? We have one in Jackson, and the U of Tenn is only 80 miles away. My area has always gone to Memphis. I called the Ole Miss Med School, and they have a couple of back orthopods, with the advantage of being able to refer to other specialist professors if necessary. I’d assume that UTMC has the same thing.

I’m in a very medically underserved area, so have to travel for virtually everything. And the specialists who are willing to come here come as contract docs and leave as soon as their contracts expire. I often wonder if they come here because they can’t make a living other places or have problems in the state they are leaving.