Saddle Fit - Tall, 6'4" Rider

Biggest thing is a short thigh block that is forward angled. Otherwise you will be forced into having a straighter leg that might not be effective.

Companies arw are starting to realize this is a necessity. Equipe is my favorite because they can make this (not cheap) and yet the saddle doesn’t have long panels.

Important question: What is your horse like? Your saddle options will also be limited by tree shape that allows for a proper fit for your horse! Its complicated. :rolleyes:

Do you actually need an 18.5 to 19 inch seat ? I am blessed with an exceptionally long thigh. When ever trying to purchase a saddle, salesperson would try and sell me an 18-19 inch seat cos my thigh would shoot over the front. This meant that I wallowed around in the seat. I gave up trying to buy ready made, and got custom… If you accommodate your legs you could probably use a regular type seat size and be much more comfortable.

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If you do need a 19", there’s a Smith Worthington Maxx on eBay that’s well in your price range. Smith Worthington can adjust the tree and flocking from at their shop in CT.

They won’t fit all horses but if yours is within a pretty broad range of “normal” it may work. I have one and they adjusted it first to fit a broad, low withered Arab, then a much narrower Hanoverian.…gAAOSwR8pbykVy

I just went through the exact same saddle shopping experience – 19" seat, flap that can accomodate stupid long legs, small budget. It can be done. It takes a lot of patience, but it can be done. The two saddles that worked the best for me were a Stubben Genesis and a Smith Worthington Mystic. The Stubben was damn near perfect for me but the 19" is very long, too long for my horse’s back. I could have gone down to an 18.5" and had room for my leg. The Smith Worthington is a nice budget-friendly option. It doesn’t have a big knee block and the leather isn’t as nice as the Stubben, but the balance is fantastic. Plus my picky princess TB gelding heartily approves of it.

ETA I also tried this model from Smith Worthington in a 19.5" and it was pretty nice…but HUGE, as in the seat measured close to 20". This 18.5" might work for you.…edirect=mobile

This site has some larger saddles, and here’s an 18.5:

Some of the consigners will deal on price.

I have a similar saddle to this one, and while I am a 5’7" and heavy woman, my 6’4" slim uncle had no problem riding my horse in it. (Just had to put the stirrups on the bottom hole!)

There are a couple of 18" saddles here, the top middle is the County Perfection with the forward flap like Edward Gal uses.

Farther down is an 18 for less than $1000.

I love my local Purcellville, Virginia store, Another Turn Tack. They generally have a few used options in larger sized dressage saddles (I saw a 21" in there last week), and they ship.

Thank you all very much for the advice. I really appreciate it.

In response to a few of the questions, I’m currently horseless but lucky enough to be riding a couple of dressage horses at a barn in my area that needed a competent rider for some of the barn owner’s horses. They’re your typical big dressage warmbloods (bulky, wide, big shoulder, both around 17 hands). I’m an event rider but am actually shocked at how much I’m enjoying pure dressage.

That being said, I don’t want to spend a ton of money fitting a saddle to a horse that I don’t own, hence the search for a budget friendly used option. I’ll make the investment in something custom when I buy my next eventer in a year or two.

Do I actually need an 18.5"+ saddle? By the looks of it, yes. I’ve sat in a few 18" saddles, but the deeper seats with a high pommel tend to put me in a position that’s, well… uncomfortable for the male anatomy. What I really need is something with a less “helpful” structure (flatter seat, fewer blocks), forward flaps, and a longer stirrup bar which is exactly what most everyone is suggesting. I don’t need the added security, just something that gives me a little more room and doesn’t put me in a chair seat.

I’d love to find a used Stubben and have actually come across a few that may work. Again, thank you all for the help here, very much appreciated! Dressage saddles are fairly uncharted territory.

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I am 5’11" with a very long femur. The best saddle I have ever had for my body is a Custom Icon Eclipse with a 18" seat, long flap and a short slanted thigh block. Saddle is here: (note in photo it shows a long upright block, find a short thigh block set on higher with more of a slant to it).

If you have a long thigh you need a short block AND a larger seat size than your butt might technically measure for. Do it! Go larger, a monoflap saddle with external soft slanted thigh blocks work the best for me and I don’t get sore knee pressure points from bumping up into rolls like I do when I ride in clients saddles. You don’t ever feel locked in but if you ride hot or young horses there is something in front of your thigh in moments when you need it.

Check out the Stubben site…

I was in the Tack Room in Camden, SC over the weekend and was surprised how many 18"+ saddles they currently have. May be worth a call:

I’m 6’0" and 29" from hip to knee. I just bought a (used) Hastilow Concept dressage saddle that fits me like a dream. What’s great about it, too, is that it has an adjustible gullet so it can grow with my young horse. I had a Passier Corona before that fit me well but my horse outgrew it.

I am also 5’10" so I feel your pain to a degree. I got super lucky and found a Smith Worthington Maxx for a STEAL. Its actually a trail saddle kind of hybrid, the flap is a little more forward but doesn’t look out of place at all. I have a foxhunting background so I just cannot make myself ride with a straight leg. It is not as deep of a seat either so there is a little wiggle room.

If you don’t mind an older look and a less nailed-down feel, 18.5-19" Stübben Tristans are out there and should be well within your price bounds. For whatever reason I’ve seen lots of big ones.

Thanks again for all the advice. I just got an 18.5" Custom Wolfgang in for trial that I was really excited about; however, it ended up being a pretty big disappointment. I have a ton of room in front but am crammed into the back and the thigh blocks (despite being the short version) are way too restrictive.

The stirrup bars being set back further worked great, the flap length was good, and I do feel like my leg was better positioned than with what I’m in currently. The seat and blocks are just a no go.

I’m hitting a little bit of analysis paralysis browsing online. Saddle shopping truly is the worst.

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Tad Coffin # 2223-18 size 18" here
Close to the bottom of the list.