Saddle Fit - Tall, 6'4" Rider

After years of riding in dressage saddles that don’t fit and just learning to make do with what was on hand, I’ve accepted that I need to explore some dressage saddle options that actually fit my physique. I don’t have the budget for a custom job (which I’m sure is what I actually need) so I’m looking at used 18.5-19" options. Given the lack of inventory in this seat size, I’m begrudgingly having to result to online shopping.

Does anyone have experience with shopping for dressage saddles for the exceptionally tall rider?

A little about me:

  • 6’4" male rider
  • Athletic build (not a beanpole but fit/lean with muscular thighs)
  • Almost all my height is in my legs
  • Hip to knee= 24.5"
  • Knee to floor=23"

I know I need a long, slightly forward flap but any advice on brands, twist, saddle depth, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Your hip to knee is only 5" less than my inseam. :lol: I have saddle fitting problems in the opposite direction.

While I normally do not give a flying fig about celebrity endorsements, some tall men may help lead you the right direction. Guenter Seidel uses Albions apparently. I can’t find Edward Gal and Hans Peter Minderhoud at a quick glance.

I know of tall women who ride in Customs, but they’re around 6’, not as tall as you are. Stubbens have also been popular. Anything which has options for more limited blocks will help you - you definitely won’t want a long block unless the flap is just absolutely perfect for you. Most people I see with long blocks are in the 5’7"-5’9" range.

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So, I am a lady, and also not as tall as you - 6’0; however, I am a freakish giraffe and my legs are even longer than yours at just over 25" hip to knee and just over 24" knee to floor. Pants shopping is a real treat :lol:

I ride in a Schleese HK and adore it. My coach is very happy with how it works for my leg and overall position, as well. Schleese has been branding itself as all about female saddle fitting - but I’ve noticed on their last few fittings at my barn that their materials have a push for male saddle fitting as well. The brand tends to have mixed opinions, but my experience has only ever been positive - and they have a lot of customization options.

Farm House has a couple of 19" options… a Verhan and a County, as well as an 18.5 Custom Wolfgang Solo. :slight_smile:

I’m not as tall as you but my hip to knee measurement is just a little longer. Finding a dressage saddle was torture. (My main (saddle) squeeze is an 18" CWD SE08 with extra long flaps that I ended up having made for my horse and I.)

some things that might help: look for extra long flaps, a slightly forward flap, pay attention to the stirrup bar (preference varies among riders so even in saddles that don’t fit you perfectly see where that is located in proximity to your hip to find your preference- I tend to like it a little longer/further back because my femur is so long it comes forward all on its own).

Super rigid thigh blocks are an issue for me in saddles I ride in that aren’t mine because my leg ends up needing to come forward a litttle but the thigh block inhibits it. Constricting saddle types (super deep seat, prominent thigh block) are hard for me because I’m fighting the saddle to get in correct position. Rigid super straight flaps also can give me this issue, as well as long thigh blocks.

I had a jane Savoie schleese saddle and hated it. I was fighting the thigh block the whole time. Prestige has some models I’ve liked. Keiffer and Barnsby tend to be less extreme (smaller thigh block for example) and I was able to make an imperfect fit work for me easier than some other brands, if you can find any on the market. Amerigo/Vega saddles are really challenging for me if the fit isn’t good - my trainer has an Amerigo that’s a 17.5? with a very straight flap and it does not work for me at all - and it locks me in position so modifying to make it work is really hard.

I’ve had good luck with Fine Used Saddles. You can contact them with your specific situation and they may be able to come up with some good options for you, even if they aren’t in stock at the moment.

Saddle searching can be a pain. Good luck!

At 5 10 and having a loooong femur, I feel your pain. Buying used you don’t always get the customization you want but the half thigh blocks are wonderful if you can find them. I have had good experiences with Pelham Saddlery and they have a good selection – here is a link to one of their 19" saddles that may work for you (not my saddle, there are others at the site, but this one looked nice):

I have an albion SLK narrow seat that I love.

Smith-Worthington has a lot of dressage options in longer sizes:

I have a close contact saddle from them that I like a lot, and they did a great job of fitting my horse via tracings.

Thanks for the replies, all. Saddle shopping (well, all equipment shopping) is always a challenge for me. I jump in a Barnsby that took years to find.

Does anyone have any experience with Toulouse saddles? It looks like they have less of a thigh block which is a plus. I’ll need a stirrup bar that’s fairly far back. I’m worried about the size/length of the blocks on the Albion.

I had a horrible experience with a Toulouse saddle. They have terrible quality control.

Edward Gal has ridden in a County Perfection with a forward flap. If you have a long femur, a forward flap might by very helpful.

What is your budget and where do you live ? That would help for recommendations

I’m in Raleigh, NC and am looking to stay below $1000 with some wiggle room for the right saddle.

I think it was Edward Gal uses a County Perfection with a forward flap

I have not been impressed with Toulouse saddles. Albion have worked relatively well for me, depending on the model. I have an SL with a long flap, open seat, and minimal block that I find quite comfortable.

Several years ago I had a Barnsby Richard Davidson in a 19" seat. It had super long flaps. If you can find one, it should be within your budget.

I found that many brands don’t come in anything over 18". I think that Passier saddles are available up to 19" and are reasonably priced, compared to some other brands. But I think you will have a hard time for under $1000. Not sure where you are located but here is one at my local tack store.

Oh, I see you are in NC. Maybe your dollar will go further in Canada?

My husband is almost the exact same size as you! 6’4" and has ridiculously long legs, and very lean (Dutch heritage!). Whereas, I am 5’2" and what little length I have in is in my torso (not legs). Ugh.

Anyway—he ended up working with Schleese and bought a Triumph with extra long flaps. I think the seat size is an 18.5". Also, if you are looking for something that isn’t custom made, I would look at the Passier’s. They tend to have very open seats (which can allow more room for your longer thigh) and very long flaps (without having to special order an XL flap). They seem to be built for tall European dudes—although I loved my old Passier—but I had to search for a used one with short flaps.

Good luck! The biggest challenge my husband has is finding riding apparel and boots for his height and foot size (he wears a size 15 shoe). He has had the toughest time finding any boots (short or tall) that come in his size.

I ride in a 19 inch Trilogy Verago with my long femurs. I love it.

I am not that tall, and haven’t measured my femur length, but always in an 18. My hips just don’t open up well, so for me the Stubben Genesis Special has been great with no thigh blocks at all.

My husband is also tall, long and lean, and Stubben works for him. He was able to get a virtually new saddle during one of their demo sales, although still more $ than you want to spend.