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Saddle fit

Hi all! I am a dressage rider but have been dabbling in ranch classes. So fun! I want to try my Andy in some open classes for non QH types. I rode in my trainer’s saddle and I love it. It’s a Lady Wade Semi QH 6 1/2 gullet 92 degree bars. I think I need more narrow because when I rode it came down a little close to his wither. He has a shark fin wither and is fairly narrow. Everything else fit great with the saddle though. I found one used that has a 6 1/4 gullet but with 90 degree bars. Does anyone have some input on this being a good option?

Tough to determine without pictures.
Wades are supposed to sit lower for the purpose of taking leverage off the front of the saddle when roping.

Do you have any pictures you can post? That would be most helpful.

Ultimately, it just depends how the bar angle of the saddle matches the horse. I don’t mind if there is little wither clearance so long as it never touches and so long as everything else about the saddle fits.

Keep in mind that the degree on the bar and the gullet measurement are NOT standard from brand to brand. Even different companies measure their gullet differently.
And, you can have two saddles with the same degree bar but they might fit completely different based on the twist of the tree, flare of the shoulders, rock, etc etc etc.

Western saddle fitting is frustrating. :upside_down_face:

About all you can do is try it on your horse and see how it looks. That’s the way to know!

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