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Saddle Fitter in DFW Area

I’m looking for a saddle fitter in the DFW area- hopefully an independent one as I’m more interested in trying to adjust what we have than buying an all new saddle if possible. We just moved here and any leads are helpful.

I absolutely love Mike Corcoran! He helped me make my crummy old saddle usable and helped me find a new one when I was ready. Never pressured me to buy anything from him specifically. In fact, When I said I wasn’t ready to get a new saddle he gave me a list of saddles that would be the best to look into for whenever I was ready and different places to look.

Here’s his facebook page.

He also makes his own saddles. I actually ended up buying one of his custom ones he had on consignment because it fit my guy the best.

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Following! I also have a (Schlesse) saddle I would like fitted to a new horse.

Tess Wheat is in the Austin area but makes regular trips to Dallas.

Laurie MacDonald is in the Dallas area if I remember correctly.

Isn’t shea Stewart there, too?