Saddle fitter suggestions NC + WOW/EQ/adjustable saddles?

Yes another saddle thread :sweat_smile:

My TC is fitting the 4YO alright with a sheepskin pad and small shim. However, I’ve been down the KS/back soreness road with my other OTTB so I’m particularly concerned with making sure the baby’s saddle fits the best it can. I don’t think it’s going to hurt him for the 15-20 minute rides we are doing right now, but it’s on my mind. Honestly his back is pretty normal right now, but if he does what my other one did and spring ribs/chunk up, we may be in wide/hoop territory.

Any suggestions for independent fitters in central NC? I have one that friends have used, but honestly even if the saddles fit the horses, they don’t fit the riders AT ALL. I need both :sweat_smile:. I just want someone to check my Tad and keep an eye on things as my horse goes into work.

While we’re at it, I’ve been on HighLine tack recently and noticed they have two WOW jumping saddles - I admit that the modular design is intriguing to me. Does anyone have experience with these? Or the similarly “odd” EQ Saddle Science jumping saddles? I’m concerned about quality and maintenance and stability - but I like some of the concepts including adjustable stirrup bars. Thoughts?

As an EQ dressage saddle owner, and Reactor Panel owner (same type of saddle, in dressage and jump models) quality is very high - the leather is lovely and I’ve never experienced a manufacturing issue. Stability is one of their selling points - never met such a stable design. And maintenance? You can adjust them yourself, right away - no sending them off to France for adjustments, or spending $400 to get them reflocked. Cannot understand why they’re not more popular!


I had a client with an EQ. Quality was excellent. Client had a princess and the pea mare, so I’m not sure it was the right thing for her, and I’m not sure how the panel was comfortable for any horse (compared to wool flocked). However, the mare was happy for quite some time in it, until she wasn’t. I will say that it made my client (and me when I rode in it!) much more stable and put the leg in the right position. I loved riding in it, and have considered getting one as a schooling saddle for client horses.


Was the mare just “like that”, or did you find any cause? I guess specifically, did she end up in a wool flocked saddle, or nothing at all?

Great to hear about the stability. That’s attractive to me, but for the $6k price tag it’s a big purchase for a 4YO when I could reasonably get something else used for half that. Then again, two quality used saddles and I’m at the $6k mark again.

I’m hoping my TC will fit forever, but with my luck… :laughing:

Tasida has a good reputation in NC as an independent saddle fitter. Several folks in our barn have used her and had positive experiences.


She goes in a wool flocked now, but I’m not sure she’s 100% happy with that one either. In fact, I just texted the saddle fitter yesterday to come check it out. She’s been with me for over 2 years and has gone through 3 (4?) different saddles, so I’d lean towards “she’s just like that.” I think for her, the discs caused pressure points, regardless of how much EQ says they don’t. Maybe on a less sensitive horse it would be a non issue.

My client bought one used for around $3k direct from Carmi (sp?). Maybe you can find one used?


Thanks! Just sent her a message. I’ve heard of her business and she’s pretty close.

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1000% recommend Tasida!

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Carmi fit my EQ to my 4 yr old mare and when I voiced the same concern she guaranteed the saddle would fit for at least a year. Mare is now 7 in the same saddle, regularly checked, and going great!

I have an EQ dressage saddle, so can’t comment on how their jump saddles ride, but if your concerned about how adjustable they are, let me present the wither tracings of the horses my saddle has fit.

I bought mine through their rehab rental for this horse. It fit him through all kinds of changes while we rehabbed for KS and EPM

I then leased this horse. Carmi very diplomatically called me up to double check my tracings and tell me he was quite outside normal ranges.

After being put on an appropriate diet for his metabolic issues, that horse slimmed down to this:

I was able to make all the adjustments myself, and can now completely refit the saddle from scratch and get fairly close to the right fit in about 30 minutes. Carmi has been really accommodating for scheduling remote fittings, and I never had any problems with pressure points or sore spots.


That’s fascinating!!

I have Tasida (suggested upthread) coming out to check the fit of my saddles and see if we can “make something work” for a bit. The horse is 4 and a pretty fresh OTTB so I’m betting on changes coming quickly. I plan to chat with her about potential brand and style options, but honestly the EQ is interesting enough to maybe take one on trial. I really don’t love the look but if a show pad with pockets can disguise the panels well then I’m open to it.

This horse is narrower than anything I have right now, but my main man OTTB was also a MN when I got him and now is WIDE. He ain’t fat (or in work) either :sweat_smile:. I expect this one to be similar, at least in the fact that they change.

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I think it looks ok with the white pad for the jumpers. I think they have a hunter pad too.

Yeah the “new” jump saddles appear to have permanent flaps. I’m sure flapless is still an option though.

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