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Saddle for a Short Back?

Yes. I’m using my 4/93 wade with a 5/8 felt pad on her. Thanks for asking. After picking some cowboy’s brains the length doesn’t matter like an english saddle. As long as the rider’s seat isn’t that far back. Also, a well made western saddle has a slight lift in the rear skirt so as not to put pressure on the loins.


Looking at the picture you can see that your seat is nowhere near her loin but the skirt makes it look long. What a nice saddle that is @Maude you must be happy it fits her.

I would be!

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Thank you @candyappy. I am very happy with the fir for both of us. It would have been a big decision: keep the saddle or keep the horse​:smirk::slightly_smiling_face:

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