I’m still searching for the perfect saddle for my chunky, flat backed wide pony. Looking for a used saddle and have found 5 possibilities. Looking for any negatives or positives on these potential saddles. One is a Bliss Loxley with changeable gullets, a Kent and Masters S series, a Custom Wolfgang Solo and an Albion Platinum G and a Black Country Eloquence. Any good or bad experiences?
I ended up with an Albion K2 dressage saddle for now. It’s not perfect but it’s close. It fits me like a glove. It’s 16.5 inch seat which has the shortest panels on a second hand saddle that I could find but it still pushes the limits for the 15 inch space of riding on my short wide Welsh Cob. My challenge has been finding a saddle that was far enough off his shoulders to give him the freedom of reach he requires as well as limiting the length of panel. Honestly to find the perfect fit I need to get a saddle that’s built with pony panels and a cutback front that’s off the shoulders. If I decide to spring for that (financially supporting my mother’s care right now) I will likely get an Albion model likely an SLK or an Ideal Tonishia. Both seem to fit my guy’s roundness and shoulder requirements along with being narrow enough in the twist for me. Unfortunately neither is made with particularly short panels unless you special order. The Albion K2 I got came out of Canada, was made for a kid (so short skirt) and for a Welsh Cob so not gusseted but also not with pony panels. So many of the Albions, Ideal and Black Country saddles come with large gussets making it hard to find the perfect saddle off the rack. These 3 manufacturers, though, have models that seem to accommodate my Welsh Cobs and me the best otherwise.
My short-backed horse is going in a Trilogy right now. Not perfect for her (still too long) but we took some flocking out of the back and she is happier in it than anything else we tried. I am also very picky and she is known for her acrobatics at times so the balance for me is super important. Cant even remember everything we tried. I know we tried Stubben, Hennig, Patrick, Presitge, Amerigo, a few French saddles, a different Trilogy, an older Schleese, a Black Country, and an Albion. The other thing she liked was a Bliss Loxley which actually was very close or short enough for her back but I couldn’t find one in our size and not willing to shell out the money for something not perfect for a growing young horse. I also was only able to ride in it a few times. I am considering “investing” in a Bliss when she is a bit older if she still likes it.
Good luck!
I am happy with my Loxley saddles. Mine has upswept panels. My horses are very wide, one has a short back, but neither are ponies/small. Personally it is the first saddle I have had on my XWide hoop tree horse that both fits her and also doesn’t make me feel terrible in my hips/etc.