Saddle recommendations for a super thick quarter horse

I need a new saddle for my 5 year old gelding. He is so thick that a Piland Cutting saddle and a Circle Y trail saddle with full quarter horse bars do not fit him any longer. He is an appendix quarter horse but is built like a brick house. 15.1 hands with a huge butt and thick chest. Over the last two years he has dramatically transformed.

I love a good cutting or reining saddle. Any suggestions???

I really love Caldwell saddles. They have some wide trees that will probably work for your guy. They’re custom saddles though, and even used they run high. However, I’ve seen some good deals on their cutting saddles. Hope this helps!

I used to have a mutton withered very muscular QH and nothing fit him. I even trailered him to a saddle shop to try on used and new saddles. The only saddle I found to fit him was a BM treeless.

I’d look into either Harris or Blue Ribbon saddles. I have had both, my blue ribbon fits my Halter gelding great!

I bought a Simco with a wide tree last December. Got it at a STEAL off of Ebay. Fits my stocky gelding perfectly!

We’ve got a guy built like yours, and found the the wide-tree Abetta worked just great.