Saddle Residue Cleanup

Bought a nice used saddle this week, after having some fitting problems with my 8 y.o. mare. It’s in great condition, but it feels like there is some definite buildup of soap/oil - it feels tacky, and I’m pretty sure the first time I ride in it I will have stain/color transfer to my jeans. :no:

The seat/fenders are rough out, if that matters.

How do I remove this buildup and start all over?

For the roughout fenders, use a wire brush to rough it back up.

For any smooth leather that is gunky, use a damp sponge and Kirk’s Castile Soap to give it a good scrubbing, or two, and then wipe off the dampness/soap with a towel. Let dry. Re-clean if needed. If not, condition once the leather is thoroughly dry.

So there’s not way to actually remove the dirt and grim buildup from the roughout seat? That’s the only part that is exceptionally dirty.


My phone won’t open the link for some reason.

You could try the kirks soap… Can’t hurt I suppose if it’s truly really dirty and gross.

I wouldn’t use a wire brush on the seat. That material is usually not as thick and durable as the rest of the saddle leather.