Since I’ve completely dominated the poor gal’s thread on her new horse, in an attempt to NOT continue to do that I thought maybe it would be good if we all had a thread of our own, since we don’t really have a section.
I’m just getting my horses re-started after a long vacation - my horses are all at home. So we’ve just started lining again, but the heat wave is putting a damper on things. I tried to line the 10 year old without his crupper & breastplate because it’s just so hot I thought he’d be more comfortable with fewer things to cause sweat, but when he gets going and gets excited he makes everything slip off to the side. Thankfully he’s good minded, so he stood nicely while I fixed all the things. Lesson learned - don’t try to improvise too much!
The 10 year old has a lot of motion with just a regular keg shoe, not collected at all, his knees are about level (and can go above level at times). A former trainer thought he’d be a nice Show Pleasure horse, but we shall see. Right now my focus with him is just on fitness - I think once he gets strong enough we’ll have potentially a LOT more fire and motion (which makes me wonder if he’s actually game enough to be a park pleasure horse, I don’t think he’ll make a trimmed horse). I don’t have a jog cart, so we have to do everything either in the saddle or on the ground. I own a show cart but it isn’t here at the farm. I’d hate to use it to jog, but maybe that’s the right answer!
The 8 year old is more up-headed naturally and very pretty, but really doesn’t have the fire that the 10 year old has, although he may surprise me, he is barefoot right now because he was a really awkward and very tall horse - he kept tearing off shoes just existing. I’ve seen some signs of some impressiveness as he finally matures, so maybe he’ll be something more. When I got him, he was very stuck and would just plant himself and grow roots when he didn’t understand. So my plan with him is to work him in such a way that he gets more confident working and doesn’t feel overfaced (I think someone overfaced him when he was young).
My hope is just to do local shows and enjoy the time with them. It’s a very lonely journey, working at home, so I’d love to hear from more Saddle Seat/Saddle-type breed folks as to what you’re doing and what your progress is like!