When I worked as a wrangler for a guest ranch in 08, I was in the saddle sometimes over 6 hours a day. Needless to say, I got kind of picky real quick about which saddle I threw on my horse. I called dibs on a Colorado Saddlery ranch saddle that fit me like a glove-it was the MOST comfortable thing I’ve ever sat in, besides a semi-custom dressage saddle. It also fit a lot of my different mounts that I worked over the season, a BIG plus not to have change tack for each horse!
I cannot seem to find a western saddle that fits me like that one did! I just accepted another guest ranch job…except this time it’s year round. :yes::no: Excited about the job but worried b/c I’ve already had a sit in a few of their saddles and :eek: within 2 hours my knees/butt you name it was sore. :no:
I have a photo: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3999545076407.167513.1514449983&type=3
Does anyone know the type/name of this saddle? Like I said, know it was a Colorado Saddlery, but not which one. The ranch owner loves this saddle too and won’t sell it. I don’t blame him!!
I’d love to buy the same saddle, same dimensions, etc. Can anyone tell me what to look for going by that photo? Can send some others if you’d like some different angles. Photo album should be public.