Gypsy, There is a good chance we can find out who he is if he is registered. There are only a handful of people involved in SM’s in the country and the world and I know most of them. They are quite rare. When you get more info on who they bought him from, papers, full name, previous owners, send me a pm and then we’ll switch to email…or you can get my address of my website and go to that from here. I don’t want to post it here and invite spammers.
Also, more photos would help…markings, front views, etc… and even one from the rear. How tall he is…color (looks dun in his pics), age, etc… There are some DNA databases now in place with the American Heritage Horse Assoc.(AHHA) registry as well as the Spanish Mustang Registry. Most likely he’d have papers with the SMR or HOA (Horse of the Americas). AHHA is a relatively new registry but is the only registry requiring DNA for registration. There is one other registry SSMA (Southwest Spanish Mustang Assoc.) but it is nearly defunct now…however their stud books are still around and he could be linked to a breeder if someone could come up with more info on him. I have some pretty good contacts with AHHA who can help. I’m the Regional Rep for that registry.
“Dancer” is kind of a common name in our breed…I have two with that as part of their names! He is pretty cute though and his head is very typey. The pic is hard to be sure since he’s quite obese in it but he has the basic correct build. Do you have any pics of him when he wasn’t so rotund?
Does he gait at all? If they do, most of our horses that gait will single-foot or foxtrot. That info would help also.