Saddlebred Drivers a?

Found my proof. :smirk:
FF to 1:43

Apologies, I shall ramble :roll_eyes:

Driving friend knows ADS Rule for Headers:
Header does not touch horse unless asked by the Driver
Her son has a young DHH he showed - to a Graber-type bike - at a local schooling/fun show.
Both Driver & Horseā€™s first experience in a class.
Horse wonā€™t tie to a trailer, so a looooooong time was spent handwalking until their class.
Horse was pretty UP, but did settle & drove well in the class.
In the lineup his Header had a hand on the bridle.
Iā€™m sure heā€™d requested this, or at least, did not object.
Mom, in the stands was protesting loudly to me that this was ā€œAgainst the Rules!ā€.
I told her:

  1. as this was not an ADS/CAA show, Judge could decide if this was an infraction
    FWIW: Rated Judge was very kindly pointing issues out to the Drivers.
    Example: Driver whose whip had stayed in the socket during the whole class, was handed the whip & told it should be carried
  2. as neither of us know ASB Rules, it could very well differ in that discipline re: Headers

ASB Peeps, tell me if Iā€™m wrong :pray:
Meanwhile, Iā€™m gonna search YouTube for ASB showsā€¦ :mag_right::horse:

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At shows with ASBs, Morgans, Hackneys, etc the header absolutely can touch the horse. Theyā€™ll fix their tails, straighten the check, make sure that the horse is parked out properly to best show them off. If a horse doesnā€™t want to stand, the driver will also circle them around, back to their spot, and the header will once again rearrange things.


Whar ASB_Stars said. Iā€™ve seen headers touch the horse all the time.
In fact years ago, I saw a Hackney spook in a line up and flip, the header and driver unsnarled him and he went on to pin which surprised me. This was Rated show. I thought it was odd but no one seemed upset by it except the pony, who was a little hot under the collar.


Not ASBā€™s but I watch hackney and road horses all the time at The Royal Winter fair in Toronto (big rated show, people all over Canada and the US) and they call time outs all the time (if a shoe is even thrown, they will hold the class and have the farrier tack it back on before starting it again) and handlers stay in the ring to the side. They run to the middle when they line up and remove the checks so the horses/ponies will stand in line. They then put it back on while running beside the horse so they can collect their ribbons. They head - touch reins, fix feet so they are parked out etc, and no issues with judging on this at all.

They even hoot and bang the walls when they are driving so it looks like they will explode. They like this ha ha! Very different than our pleasure driving.


Same with Morgans. Itā€™s a completely different world.

I remember watching the Morgan Grand Nationals 2 YO pleasure driving futurity in 2016 or so. It was a HUGE class for baby horses to cope with. The entries ranged from very mature, almost 3 YO colts, to poor little things who were still narrow and gawky and very, very green. One of these, a filly, barely kept it together and when the class lined up, her header released her check and cuddled the poor thingā€™s head in her arms. Put the check back on for about 30 seconds when the judges came by, and then went back to cuddling her.

(She did not place, and the top 3 horses were all those very mature colts or geldings.)


Thanks, All :blush:
I sent the vid to Friend.
Who gracefully conceded she was wrong.
Next correction:
Objection to employee/trainer of the sponsoring barn showing in classes.
I 'splained the concept of OPEN classes.
But she (& KnowsLittle wife of another entry) still objected. :roll_eyes:
Whatā€™s that about Stoopid canā€™t be fixed? :expressionless:

They have enough trouble finding enough sponsors as it is.


Well it isnā€™t like the competition is wearing a sign that says they sponsored THIS class! Judge is unlikely to know the sponsor until after ribbons are announced. Sponsors may only be named in a group at the end of these type classes. And maybe there would NOT BE such a class without their sponsorship! So no one would get to play at all!

Ask ā€œKnows littleā€ if SHE would be willing to sponsor the class! Just so there is no look of impropriety! Ha ha Will be funny to watch her backpedal!


The shows with programs, and the ASB world has many, will also show who the sponsor of the class is within the program. The class money is shown, for each placing, and occasionally the names of prior winners.

The ASB world is so deeply incestuous that it really isnā€™t worth worrying about. It just is what it is.


My Bad, barn where show took place sponsored the show.
Maybe I should have said ā€œhostedā€?
ā€œRingerā€ is an employee/trainer there.
So no $$ involved in sponsorship.

KnowsLittle is the worrywart wife of a competitor. Theyā€™re nice people, but she nitpicks & worries over Every.Little.Thing!
She doesnā€™t show, DH does & she Motherhens him to the death :expressionless:
Did you drink enough water? Are you ready for the next class?
& On & on & on :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Same when I drive with them, she keeps up a non-stop chatterā€¦ To the horse!
Because, horses are Sooooo verbal in their communication :roll_eyes:
Next time Iā€™m bringing a tranquilizer dartā€¦ For herā€¦