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Saddles for high withers

I need to get a western saddle that is gunna fit a high withered horse with a sensitive back, any you’d recommend?

You need a professional saddle fitter, not just a generic reference to a saddle from someone who’s never met the horse.

I’d also spring for back rads to determine the cause of the soreness. Does he need his back injected? Would chiropractic work? Does he have kissing spine syndrome so none of the above will really “fix” him? Radiographs is a great way to start and money well spent.

I’d also prophilactically treat this horse for ulcers, based on your other post about his behavior. If you see improvement in 14 days, then continue with complete treatment with omeprazole.

That’s an impossible question to answer when we don’t know what your horse looks like and don’t even know what type of riding you do.

Do you have a trainer helping you?

Has the horse been checked out by a chiro and/or vet since they have a sensitive back?

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