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Saddles for super wide horse?

I second the Reactor Panel suggestion. I have an EQ with the Encore tree for my very wide mare. RP offers the Encore tree, as well. They are available in lots of tree sizes. And it puts me in such a secure seat because of its close fit and lack of flaps. We both love it.

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What a cutie!

You’re getting confused by the terminology.

Wintec is an Australian company. Their “stock” saddle is what we would call an Australian saddle. It’s not a western saddle. Their “stock” saddles do indeed use the adjustable gullet system just like their English saddles.

Their “western” saddles do not have adjustable gullets and come in “semi-” and “full” quarter horse bars, just like your generic western saddle. (Abbreviated SQHB and FQHB.)

I used to have a very wide draft mule. Even the extra wide Circle Y western saddle wasn’t wide enough. The Wintec western saddle with full quarter horse bars fit him great. It was a better fit than the “draft horse” size western saddle that I also tried.

Unfortunately, there is very little standardization among manufacturers of western saddles so a FQHB or “extra wide” in one manufacturer’s saddles may not be the same as another manufacturer’s saddles. This can make fitting kind of a trial and error process.

You can’t use the “wide” gullets, the purple set in all wintec saddles, just the wide version saddles. Just like you can’t use the normal size gullet plates in wide saddles. They don’t make stock saddles in the wide option.


Yes, you are correct. Just like the OP already said. I never said anything different.

All I did was clarify that in Wintec parlance, “stock” saddle does not mean “western” saddle, and that Wintec “western” saddles do not have an adjustable gullet system.

Quality Western Treeless Saddles, Bitless Bridles & related Tack | Equinnovations Equine Aids

These western saddles are semi-treed. I had a Colorado. Not the most comfortable saddle (very wide for the hips) but it really fit a variety of horses well and was quite stable and felt the same as a treed saddle (stability wise).

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Thought Bates just came out with a stock saddle, no horn.

Martin Saddlery has some really wide ones for western.

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