Safe spot on type flea treatment for barn cats

Any suggestions for a safe spot on type flea treatment for barn cats? One is feral, but will let me touch his back and neck, so a tpe that is applied topically would work best. I am afraid to use flea collars with the cats, because I worry they’ll get caught on something. Can’t “dust” the feral with powder, as I wouldn’t be able to get his whole body.

I’ve heard about some cats having terrible reactions to Hartz products, but not sure if that’s a myth. I’d love something I can buy at the grocery store/online/pet store as opposed to the vet.


Revolution. At the vet. I don’t know if the generic Frontline is out for cats yet. Southern States has the dog version.

Frontline. Available online (I use - free shipping on all flea/tick products!), even available in our local Costco.

Stay away from the inexpensive Hartz products, things like Bio Spot, etc… I have seen a lot of skin reactions with those products.

Revolution is a great product but does need to be obtained from your vet as it has a heartworm preventative in it. Not sure if you could get your feral kitty in for a heartworm test :slight_smile:

Definitely stay away from the cheapies like tarynls stated. We’ve had many dogs and cats come with adverse affects from things like the Hartz flea topical. I recommend the Revolution, Frontline (Plus), or Advantage.

The cheap Hartz/Sargent flea products can have fatal effects on cats. WalMart around here carries PetArmor Plus which is supposed to be a generic equivalent to Frontline Plus. Or, you can buy Frontline Plus at Costco is some areas.

Hartz and biospot do not just have skin reactions. Some cats have severe tremors that look like seizures. They can become hyperthermic and die from them. (Even when used at labeled doses).

Frontline and Revolution are the best. I have not yet had personal experience with PetArmorPlus, but it seems promising. The active ingredient is the same as Frontline, its just the carrier no one knows anything about because neither FL or PAP are required to disclose anything about it. I hope it pans out. I would love to offer something really affordable to my clients that was safe and efficacious!

Another fan of Revolution :yes:

But a warning:
My normally compliant w/meds barncat hates having it applied - maybe the alcohol base stings?

All I know is when I apply it to her back (base of neck, between shoulderblades) she cannnot wait to skedaddle & then I don’t see her for the rest of the day.

So your feral cat may hold a grudge for you applying the stuff to him.

oh totally - when I apply Advantage the cats accuse me of trying to kill them

We use revolution on our barn cat.

Ditto stay away from Hartz products they will kill your cat.

Never use topical permethrin products (in hartz) on cats even if they have a label for cat use. The stories about reactions to these topical products from walmart etc are NOT myths. Health Canada and the US (FDA?) regulatory organization have warnings about these products on their websites. Cats are very sensitive to permethrins. I have had to treat many cats with seizures and tremors after these products were used even following the label directions. Some of these poor kitties died or were euthanised because of the expense of the treatment. DO NOT USE!!! EVER!!!

Use revolution it will also treat ear mites, deworm the kitties and prevent heartworm and it is very safe even if the cats dislike the application.

I do not want to see another tearful client with a cat having a reaction to permethrins after they used a product that for some reason is still allowed to be sold in retail stores. It is not the consumer’s fault they should feel comfortable that what they are buying is at least safe. Not so.

I use the Frontline Plus on my cat…works great! I usually buy it on ebay (beware of the “kits” though) and just got a 3 month supply with free shipping for $37.

Advantage is a fabulous product on fleas although it does not kill ticks. I much prefer for flea control over frontline. If you have a tick problem however, frontline is the way to go.

Advantage is a fabulous product on fleas although it does not kill ticks. I much prefer for flea control over frontline. If you have a tick problem however, frontline is the way to go.[/QUOTE]
Ditto. Advantage works much better for fleas than Frontline, IMO. Retail stores such as Petco carry it but you’ll pay a premium price ($72/4Pack). I get mine from KV Vet ($39.95 for the same 4-Pack). Free shipping!

I’ve used the Armorguard from Sam’s Club on my cats and its worked just fine. The only thing is, to work correctly, the product must be applied directly to the skin. So will barn kitty allow you to part the hair on his back and get the stuff on his skin?

My parents use Revolution on all their barn cats. (My cats are indoor-only so don’t get flea/tick while the dogs get Frontline or PetArmor, since dog Advantix has the ingredient that’s toxic to cats and there’s no way to keep the cats off them.) Their cats always look healthy and tick-free.