Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

But under my example, the sex offender would not be convicted either, so why did you say inclusion of a minor would mean SafeSport going ahead?

Iā€™m hoping you donā€™t actually believe the mumbo jumbo of letters strung together in an attempt to say something valid.

Itā€™s ridiculous thinking.


Turns out Iā€™m right so thatā€™s all youā€™ve got. I expected no better from you!


Itā€™s old. Give it up.


Or maybe renting to students since he never shot his assistant trainer.:grin::grin:


Maybe she just wants to imply that a jury finding someone NGI in a criminal matter happens more frequently than it actually does.

I can understand if someone was really invested in the outcome of Barisoneā€™s case the way Dinah was, and confident he would be found guilty the way Dinah wasā€¦ wellā€¦ they might want to try and reframe the verdict.

Itā€™s strange thoughā€¦ why not just acknowledge that there were obvious credibility problems with the prosecutionā€™s key witnesses? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Minor point of order. He didnā€™t actually rent them the housing. They werenā€™t paying him any rent, and there was no contract.

So they werenā€™t really actually renters, in the normal sense of the word. They were closer to squatters.


Supporting someone who wanted to show the world that they werenā€™t shot because they terrorized someone via the threatening and terrorizing of others must be hard.


I would think the exception would be an adult who has weaponized safe sport, since that is likely to take up safe sport resources down the road (when that person does it again) that could better be used to help minors.

I would also think safe sport would want to make it crystal clear that people cannot get away with weaponizing it, in order to keep their credibility intact for all the legitimate cases.


Agreed. If nothing else, it would be nice to have clarity on the SafeSport procedures when it comes to investigation of malicious and false reports. Right now, people are aware it part of the code that filing malicious and false reports can result in sanctionsā€¦ butā€¦ there is a lack of clarity concerning how the investigation process for these issues works.

It does seem like this case is an important one for SafeSport to thoroughly investigate when it comes to the potential issue of malicious and false reporting.

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I am parsing this not because you are wrong, Big Mama. There is no obvious answer because this will set a precedent for SafeSport vs. criminal cases.
Does a not guilty verdict cancel SafeSport - even if SafeSport has brought brought bans before and even without criminal charges?
Is a not guilty by insanity or self defence to be treated differently than a straight not guilty?I
What if a case ends in A mistrial and isnā€™t retried? No acquittal or conviction.
A decision on Barisone will be cited if other criminal cases are not a clear guilty or not guilty.


That you decide to try to stop a discussion that has nothing to do with you by chiming in further to tell me to stop is absurd in a way you probably wonā€™t get, but that just makes it even more amusing. Thanks for the laugh.


Why would it be a problem if a coach was tried in a criminal proceeding, and found by a jury to be not guilty by reason of self defense?

They shouldnā€™t be banned from sport if they had to defend themselves from a dangerous student who threatened their life, and if a full fledged criminal investigation took place, and they were legitimately found by a jury to be not guilty.

And againā€¦ itā€™s INCREDIBLY unlikely another case will arise, that actually is tied to a SafeSport issue, but simultaneously involves a criminal matter that ends with a trial and a jury finding the defendant was not guilty by reason of insanity. Thereā€™s no practical point worrying about a SafeSport precedent with respect to that issue.


I suppose when a self defense case comes up, that will be different. That isnā€™t the Barisone case or the jury finding.


Itā€™s as if you donā€™t realize that youā€™re being ineffective. I was simply trying to counsel you to use a more effective argument for your debate items.

Like reality.


True. Whether or not MB is ever reinstated will first and foremost depend upon how he responds to his treatment, and if the judge rules that he can transition to a less restrictive environment at some point. And that all remains to be seen. It will be a long road.

The big issue right now with the Barisone case clearly revolves around a potential malicious and false reporting situation involving LK, and whatever was reported about MHGs children.

Hopefully they investigate it, and put the entire issue to rest, one way or another.


FFS what is wrong with you and your buddies? This is the second time today that I have posted something in a benign manner and both posts were met with snark, and now on the second one you have to add your own snark when it had absolutely nothing to do with you. Do you all really expect to treat people that way and not get it right back?

The last thing I have any interest in is your ā€œcounselā€ - unlike your butt kissing buddies, Iā€™m not even a little bit impressed by you. That you think the advice to ā€œgive it upā€ is a debate strategy says it all.

I donā€™t use the ignore feature here, so try to egg me on all you want but Iā€™m done replying to you. Youā€™re an absolute waste of time.




See, I donā€™t agree with that. I think the big issue will be whether a mentally unstable trainer who shot his client is reinstated into a private club with a really bad habit of overlooking gross misconduct on the part of men people admire.


Well, MB is still likely to be out of circulation for quite some time.

LK could go to a horse show and identify her next ā€œtargetā€ (her term) tomorrow.