Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

His mental stability may be assessed to have been a temporary condition. You’re assigning it permanency without even knowing that bit of necessary information.

One thing that is for certain is that LKs condition is protracted with years of evidence to show that. Quite frankly were I a person attending shows I’d be far more leery of LK than I ever would be of MB.

At least MB wouldn’t be following me around videotaping if I put on a few pounds.


What if that trainer shot in legal self defense? Student pulls gun on trainer, trainer attacks and kills student. Should that trainer be allowed to return?

Basically, imo and ianal, isn’t that what this verdict reflects? MB (it’s been proven) was fighting for his life (due to a mental break) He was legitimately scared to death. Not much different then if someone WAS holding a gun to his head.

Eta. In this case I could certainly see him being reinstated once that threat has been removed and he’s returned to his previous highly functioning life regardless of depression or whatever else he had going on


Because minors are SafeSport’s focus.

And I said if not convicted, an automatic ban SOLELY because of criminal charges should be dropped - regardless of what the charges are for - if the person is not convicted. But SS could open its own investigation and presumably impose a new ban if it determined there was a risk.


I hear what you are saying. But I respectfully disagree on this case.

I think the issue will be a moot point for quite a while though. MB has a long road to recovery. And that comes before any of the rest of it involving SafeSport and reinstatement.


I’m not scared of MB & I don’t think he poses a danger to anyone but himself and that’s only due to the purposeful torment inflicted by LK & RG. When he’s released I have no fear of interacting or being in the same place as MB
LK & RG are frightening unpredictable individuals. They flat out scare me with the things they admit doing on purpose to torment & destroy others. I would not feel safe if I had to be anywhere near them let alone be on the same show grounds. Yeah that’s a hard no, full stop for me.


I’m not sure if you’re not understanding or not wanting to understand. SafeSport imposes bans for various, completely separate reasons:

  1. Automatically, without any investigation, if someone is charged with certain criminal offences. That ban is temporary while the criminal charges are pending. If the charges are dropped or the person goes to trial and is not convicted, the ban should be lifted because it was based solely on the criminal charges.

  2. SS receives a report of misconduct. If the case is high priority (involving minors, and / or sexual abuse) it does a preliminary investigation of the claims and determines whether they are credible. If so, it opens an investigation. The investigation process can take more than a year. Generally bans or other sanctions are imposed only after the investigation is complete and a decision has been reached, but if there is a reasonable belief the person poses a risk during the investigation process, a temporary ban may be issued.

The first scenario has nothing to do with a SafeSport investigation and is solely left up to the legal system. That’s the type of suspension Barisone received.

The second example has nothing to do with the legal system and the investigation is conducted by SafeSport. That’s the type of suspension George Morris received.

There is a third scenario where SS may turn information over to law enforcement to launch a criminal investigation. If there is probably cause, criminal charges could be laid.


I enjoy her posts. Why do some of y’all think you can tell other people not to post anything just because you disagree?


Agreed on all counts!


LOL you really showed me with this masterpiece of the written word. And no, I absolutely will not shut up. If you have a little bit of self control you are welcome to ignore my posts.


Dear God, it’s like Denali and YD had a love child :roll_eyes:




What is with the obsession with YD among the MB supporters here? She’s living rent free 24/7 in at least a handful of posters’ minds here, and how long ago was she banned? I don’t get it but it’s more than a little weird.

This is for all the LK haters here (you know who you are): I’m never going to apologize for not hating LK enough to get your blessings, and you’re never going to beat me into submission to join your LK and family bashing club, like you have a couple posters here. I will continue to defend myself and my opinions and I will not shut up simply because you think I should (what kind of person actually thinks they can make another member on an internet forum shut up anyway - who does that?).

It would be nice if people were capable of reading for comprehension and retaining what they read, because I have not been an LK supporter. My crime with many here is and always has been that I am not an MB worshipper and I don’t spew hate and say vile things towards LK; that’s never going to change and I’m never going to apologize for that.



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Cool story bru


Au contraire. I think you misunderstand references to YD. Due to her general MO she rendered herself a bit of a punchline, her moniker an easy shorthand used to describe a certain type of online denizen. So other than through that reference to her absurd behaviour, she lives nowhere on this board, rent free, rent paying, or even bartering.


Well can we at least get you to stop repeating yourself? I’m surprised some haven’t reported you for harassment yet


I’m not beating anyone into submission. Nor trying to.

Rather I’m letting in the light of day. I’m non violent like that.


Who the heck are you? I’ve never seen your name before - how am I repeating myself and who have I harassed? Oh maybe you’re one of those new posters I mentioned… well, welcome I guess!


No. It means NOT GUILTY. In other words, not able to have the mens rea (mental state) to commit the crime. Even if the reason for lack of mens rea is insanity, it is still NOT GUILTY.

hut-ho78, are you ready now? Then close your eyes, tap your heels together three times, and think to yourself: there’s no finding of mens rea, there’s no finding of mens rea, there’s no finding of mens rea, there’s no finding of mens rea…