Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

Judge said at the first hearing
30 days tenants
10 years squatters


No mens rea is no criminal intent and he couldnā€™t have criminal intent because he was deemed insane. However, the state still had to prove he shot her or he would have been simply NG instead of NGI.

He is not guilty of a crime. He still shot her, twice.

What is your point or did you just want to bluster a bit?


The jury determined that he not only had the ā€œmental stateā€ to commit the crime of attempting to murder LK, but that he did in fact commit the crime of attempting to murder LK. Luckily for MB, they also determined that based on his mental capacity at the time of the shooting, he is not legally responsible for the crime that they determined he committed, which was attempted murder. Despite what anyone wants to believe, the jury did find that he attempted to murder LK. They would not have gotten to the point where they were able to make a determination about his mental state if they hadnā€™t first determined that he was guilty of attempted murder in the LK charge.

I know the haters are going to come out of the woodwork anyway, but I have to say I think the jury got it right. Guilty and Not Guilty would have been equally inappropriate in this case.


Agree. I also think itā€™s the best outcome.


Nope. You need to go back to law school. Also, please prove to me that they found he was guilty.

ā€œWhat is your point or did you just want to bluster a bit?ā€ I just have a low tolerance for abject ignorance.

ā€œIgnorance of the law is no excuse in any country. If it were, the laws would lose their effect, because it can always be pretended.ā€ Thomas Jefferson


No, not new at all. Iā€™ve been here for over 2.5 years I just possess the ability to scroll by and not force my opinions on people. You should try it. Iā€™m not perfect but I at least try.

Your posts are redundant and you harass a lot of posters. I wonā€™t be going back to prove my point and argue with you about it tho. It seems like you just like to argue and thatā€™s boring to me.


I think the argument against your point revolves around where you said that MB didnā€™t have the means to commit the crime. That is incorrect; the jury determined that he did in fact commit the crime of attempted murder, but that he was not guilty of committing that crime because they determined that he was insane at a the time that he committed the crime. So we all agree that MB was found to be not guilty, but some here are ignoring that the next part of the verdict, ā€œby reason of insanityā€, means that he did in fact COMMIT the crime, but he could not be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for it because he was insane. You canā€™t just leave off the last part of the verdict and pretend that MB was found to be not guilty on all counts; thatā€™s completely disingenuous. Words matter, thatā€™s all.


You can fixate on technical definitions if you want to. But in the court of public opinion? Theyā€™re squatters. Even Dr Simring referred to them as squatters while on the stand.


:rofl: Iā€™ve never heard of you before but go ahead and keep thinking youā€™re either laying low and staying out of the fray or making a difference and gaining points by telling me what to do here depending on whatever is going on in your little mind at any given time lol


Guilty mind is an essential element of the crime. Again, retake the bar exam.


I should have known based on your posts that you arenā€™t capable of understanding what the judge told the jury before they started deliberation. Maybe you and KurPlexed could have a playdate; I think you two would hit it off.

2 Likes,the%20insanity%20defense%20is%20twofold.


Can we all please stop assisting the people who are trying to get the thread shut down? That would be great. Thanks.



Might I suggest you close your eyes, tap your heels together three times, and repeat after meā€¦

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I lost restraint for a min. Itā€™s funny how some people can get under your skin and make you do things you normally wouldnā€™t.


Itā€™s interesting, the lengths certain posters are going to, trying to get threads shut down. Very weird.


Ah yes, itā€™s required on these threads to be mean to LK, her family, and those who donā€™t worship MB, but anyone who doesnā€™t fall into those categories gets accused of trying to shut down the thread. What a bunch of snowflakes.


Indeed. I wonder why? :thinking:


Good article. Perhaps you should read it.


Itā€™s interesting that you seem to have assumed I was referring to you. Again, I wonder why? :thinking: