Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

LOL. Causes of thread being shut down.

  1. someone has a different opinion and the reaction is petty and vicious personal attacks.

  2. trying to dox someone with a different opinion.

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[quote=“MHM, post:240, topic:771664, full:true”]

I am genuinely curious why you think that my disagreeing with you equals an attempt on my part to shut down a thread. Anyone with even a small amount of intelligence has figured out that the moderators here are fine with these threads; sure, they’ve shut most down but only to let more open up. Anyone with even a few brain cells to rub together knows these threads are never going to go away, they’ll just be closed so the next one can open.

Have none of you really noticed that? Do you honestly believe that something is going to happen where the moderators are not going to allow you to keep repeating your vile comments and conspiracy theories regarding the shooting here for as long as you want to?

No one is ever going to get this topic shut down here, even if anyone was trying. I can’t believe I’m still surprised that none of you have figured that out yet.




What exactly do these snowflakes mean? From what I understand you are saying Let It Go, from the movie Frozen? But you use this in response to posts where it makes no sense, like this one. You seem to use it whenever you read something that you’re not sure what it means so you don’t know how to respond, but you see that your friends don’t like it, so you just post a few pictures of snowflakes and then your friends like your post, so you keep doing it based on that positive feedback. Do you even know what you are doing or do you just like the pat on your head that your friends give you when you do this?

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Does anyone else detect a certain familiar “nuance” in some of these posts?


No. It is not required to be mean to LK or her family. Only a very few do that - and definitely not everyone,… which is obvious. And are we really back to the tiresome “worship MB” and fangirl crap? That is also BS. You insist on tossing out labels and have decided that everyone who may have a differing opinion than you must all think and act the same way. We don’t.

I also do not spew hate and say vile things towards LK. That is not exactly a rare achievement. I even got ripped a new one by both LK and YD for daring to suggest that her incendiary posts were not helping her case…

Speaking of YD, you asked why YankeeDuchess is mentioned every so often? Because of her posting tactics/style. Assigning motives, agendas and words to people that they never had and never said. Repeatedly hitting posters over the head with the same points, ad nauseum. Tossing labels up against the wall and hoping they would stick to other posters. Defending LK for even her most outrageous rants (truly vile comments). Bragging imperiously about contacting moderators to get things shut down or deleted. Complaining to moderators about everything. Doxing. Telling people how to post - or telling them not to post at all. I have some rather… interesting… messages from her to that effect.

… YD did. A lot. #yet another shrug

No, she does not live rent-free anywhere. She just painstakingly established a pattern of posting that was notable, strangled conversations and turned many threads into yet another lengthy discourse from YD. And so… when threads/posts occasionally exhibit some of those characteristics, she gets mentioned. And is likely reading… :wave:


Arrrgh. Please - no discussions about “nuance”.

@RND - the snowflakes are Let. It. Go. - and that is all - not like you calling other posters snowflakes as an insult.

Let It Go for repetitive arguing or fretting.
Let It Go for one on one sniping.
Just Let. It. Go.

Much more concise than my favorite… Move along, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for…


Thanks for proving my point :rofl:


You seem super emotional today. Lots of outbursts with ‘FFS’ and ‘butt kissing’, etc. A lot of ad hominem attacks about people needing pats on the head or not being able to afford vacations or have lives. Lots of refs to ‘buddies’ ‘paranoid’ ‘read for comprehension’ ‘average intelligence’, etc.

Why so personal all the sudden? It’s just a BB discussion.

As a word of warning, the LK brigade once got me edited for writing FFS so you may want to change that. People who generally do agree with you seem to be really offended by that and will run to the mods lickety split!


YD had flair and even left with flair-the flounce. I miss Denali and Equkelly too.


I think most experienced her as a crashing bore, the opposite of flair.

I believe she was banned mid-tirade so she never did get to flounce in the end. She did do a lot of flouncing and then sliding back in as though nothing ever happened. Even her BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FLOUNCE in which she managed to get a thread locked in Tech Help, of all places :rofl:, ended in her slinking back onto the threads before she was finally, mercifully banned.


When have I ever speculated on who someone here on this forum is in real life? Or are you accusing me of something that is separate from the post you quoted here? Your “gotcha” moment isn’t what you think it is.


I used a FFS as well - and then went back to delete it - but @hut-ho78 had already quoted me before I could edit! I guess I deserved that one.

Busted. :flushed:


This is such a stupid post I’m not going to respond to most of it; I will say that I am not even a tiny bit afraid of anything LK related and anyone here who is deserves what they get.

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Just to put you at ease, I never mind that acronym. The first time I heard it used was in a British film by a character who was charming and now I can’t remember either one except the sound of her voice. Rats, now it’s going to be stuck in my head until I remember that movie.

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Hmmm, now I’m stupid. More petty insults. Why stoop so low today? I will say you are usually able to keep the tone much more elevated than this.

I don’t think simply pointing out all your personal insults today is stupid, just accurate. Perhaps ‘inconvenient’ was the term you were looking for?

This last outburst against me suggests maybe you should stop ‘living’ on this thread and go enjoy that real life that you have and no one else does, or take that expensive vacation that only you can afford. Repeatedly lashing out personally at everyone as you have today is not really supporting your contention that we are the losers who have nothing better to do. :woman_shrugging:


I don’t even use the word for the middle F that most do, so it was extra funny to me!

Emma Thompson? Or Helena Bonham Carter ? For some reason I can see/hear them saying that? I do not mind the acronym either - but when FitzE reminded me about the uproar that happened a while back about that, I decided to edit it out. But you were faster than I was! :laughing:


Emma is my #1 will see her in literally anything actress. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: