Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

More inability to read for comprehension. I did NOT call you stupid; I called your POST stupid, and it was. Maybe spend less time accusing others of being emotional and spend more time evaluating your own emotional level?

Edit - someone flagged this post to the moderators and I apparently have the opportunity to edit it - can the person who was offended by these words let me know what was so horrifying that you had to run to mommy and tell on me so I can edit out the harmful part?

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Maybe Emma Thompson. Maybe in the season one of Our Girl? The main character?

I donā€™t know.

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Calme toi. Maybe take a nap and it will seem better on the other side.


Four Weddings and a Funeral. The gal that played Hugh Grantā€™s little sister. I think.

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You are completely wrong. Youā€™ve had this explained multiple times.


Calm down; itā€™s just a discussion on a bulletin board. Why so triggered?


And if MB encounters another toxic student who makes him feel threatened, what then?


How many people like the LK clan are there in the riding world? What they did was very extreme and intentional.


It doesnā€™t matter how many there are. Only MBā€™s perception of reality matters. Would you sell him liability insurance? I wouldnā€™t. Heā€™s a huge risk.


I donā€™t sell insurance, so no I would not sell him liability insurance or any other insurance.

I would ride with him if I was in the part of the world he is in. And I am betting that even though I am a lowly beginner level ammy he would be willing to teach me, because that is the type of trainer he is.


Okay. Cool. Have fun!




I believe that there should be a consequence of sort for LK for her initial uses of the reporting system in a self admitted under oath malicious way.

That said, I think some are overly optimistic for if / when MB will be returning to sport. I have a feeling arguments to have his ban overturned are moot, or at least several long years away.


Hard to say. After all he had 20 years of ongoing therapy to deal with childhood abuse and ongoing depression and was very successful. With proper treatment he may be involved again relatively quickly. If he switched to training 4H or Pony Club think of the breadth and depth of knowledge he could give kids and build up a heck of a riding and training program too. If he so desired to do so.

I doubt the Kanareks would be half as interested in rubbing shoulders with Hoi polloi who donā€™t offer them social elevation. You know, the kids of burger flippers or kids who WORK as burger flippers to pay for their hobbies are beneath them.


I can say, and feel free to check up with the mods, that it was not me. Though I understand from CH that she has flagged me on more than one occasion, flagging is not my thing for something as mild as another one of your ā€˜read for comprehensionā€™ screeds. As I told you, things as mild as FFS have gotten me flagged by certain folks so perhaps they can help you? :woman_shrugging:

I cannot even remember what unkindness you said to and about me in this one that is now changed.

ETA: Hmmmm, I see my post is still stupid and youā€™ve insulted my ā€˜emotional levelā€™ so those insults still check out. What, pray tell, did you edit out? It must have been even nastier than those two gems of debating prowess. :thinking:

ETA2: Itā€™s also odd that the mods asked you to edit something and instead you publicly demanded the flagger identify themselves to satisfy your righteous indignation about their sensitivities. The rest of us when requested by the mods simply comply and move on. I think flagging is anonymous so that people who are offended donā€™t need to have some aggressive confrontation along with mockery like you have just delivered.

Hereā€™s an idea: just edit it not to be so personally insulting to another forum member and donā€™t make a great big noisy public fuss about it? Thatā€™s what the rest of us do when contacted by a mod.


He would be willing to teach you and, if he is true to form, he would be kind and encouraging. (I have a friend who observed a small clinic mostly consisting of lowly ammies on none fancy horses. She found him to be both of the aforementioned.)


Letā€™s just be clear, when it came to LK, MB felt threatened because he was threatened. He was not hearing voices or halucinating; he had a psychotic break which made him unable to form criminal intent. There are several things he could do going forward to protect himself from someone like LK: ironclad, signed contracts; no students living on the property; a barn manager who did all of the day to day with Michael only doing the teaching. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more than that, but that would be a start.

Also, if today you had to choose between MB or LK living in your house with you, which one would you choose?


Given the state that house was in despite MONTHS of RG repairing it (or were they cooking something on the sly and therefore it was best to leave it unfinished?) Iā€™d take my chances with the Olympic-level rider who knows how to operate a drill and a hammer.


Omg, itā€™s so weird that so many here think that if you donā€™t worship MB, you automatically support LK, as though those are the only two options. Itā€™s actually possible to condemn both of them for their actions and understand that you would not want either one of them in your life.


Neither. Ever. I audited one of his clinics and said at the time to a friend, ā€œnever again.ā€ Iā€™m glad I never met LK, but I have known people like her (before the advent of social media, thank goodness). No, I donā€™t have a crystal ball, but Iā€™m old enough and experienced enough to have encountered several psychological types. Letā€™s just say that I have an educated eye and when my spidey sense starts sending signals, I pay attention. Have you ever read ā€œThe Gift of Fear,ā€ by Gavin de Becker? After reading that, I realized that I probably dodged many dangerous situations simply by heeding those little hairs on the back of my neck.