Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

I call it Cra-dar.


I like it!

I knew I should have included, ā€œIā€™m using binary thinkingā€ in my reply.

And before you go with, ā€œyou must be an MB fangirlā€, consider that I know someone just like LK. I know the damage she did to my extended family. I know the incredible hurt she inflicted on my parents. I know the emotional scars that she inflicted on her children. So, if I donā€™t give LK the benefit of the doubt, thereā€™s a good reason: I know the type and they cannot be trusted.


This is a criminal case, and you canā€™t abide by someone insisting on legal definitions of terms.


Iā€™m sorry for you and your whole family, especially your parents. These are very dangerous people. I donā€™t give LK the benefit of the doubt. I think Iā€™ve learned to spot the cra from quite a distance and run the other way. As for my thoughts on MB, I should clarify the statement I made in my previous response. I decided not to audit him again because of the amount of time he spent talking about himself. He reminded me of a garden variety narcissist. Iā€™ve tangled with one or two int he past and have no wish to do so in the future.


Who has asked anyone here to give LK the benefit of the doubt though? Thatā€™s the problem with these threads - anyone who expresses the opinion that MB is not such a great person is automatically labeled an LK sympathizer and gets attacked. And when that person attacks back, they get told on to the moderators.

These people are really not much different than the George Morris supporters.


Hi. I can sympathize with your perspective, but please donā€™t hijack the discussion Iā€™m having with cheval_convert, which has been civil. Iā€™d like to keep it that way. Thanks.


Your concern for the insurance company is noted. Iā€™m sure that industry of snakes is grateful for your concern.

Believe it or not Iā€™m willing to bet that 99.9% of people reading your post immediately thought ā€œNo, heā€™s not likely to run into another such creature again and now knows who to call if he ever doesā€.

So take a deep breath and relax. Both the insurance industry and unnamed students of the future shall be perfectly fine.


Wow. The places your mind goesā€¦ Does your trainer carry commercial liability insurance? I have one that does and one that does not. The one that doesnā€™t cannot train at my barn because she does not. I have to either board at a barn that doesnā€™t require trainers to carry that insurance or I have to trailer to her. Itā€™s super inconvenient for students when their trainer does not carry commercial liability insurance. MB will have to grapple with this same BS if he wishes to train riders in the future.

You see, it doesnā€™t matter what a few posters on a board think. MBā€™s actions while under duress still have real world implications for his business should he choose to reboot it one day.


I have ā€œtold onā€ no one. MB certainly has his flaws, as do we all. With therapy, MB may be able to return to some version of his former self. LK needed a number of CTJ moments 30 years ago. Unless she acknowledges that she is a deeply flawed person and seeks help, she will never change.

I have never been a George Morris fangirl. He is an amazing rider but even if he would have me for a student I would not ride with him. I donā€™t put up with instructors who are mean and demeaning. In fact, I donā€™t put up with that type of person at all. And assuming what Safe Sport found is true, he deserves the ban.


Wow. Really? Youā€™re making that comparison?

Kinda makes me think you truly donā€™t clearly understand either of these non-related situations.


Iā€™m not saying this to be snarky, but Iā€™m not looking for sympathy. What happened is long in the past. I learned a lesson and learned how to self-protect from that personality type. I ā€œlet it goā€ a very long time ago.

I hope you have a good afternoon, Rowdy.


Sorry, I still donā€™t see it.

RND sort of occupies the same niche in the discussion as YD did, pushing back at the over the top bashing of LK. But aside from the particular niche in the discussion, RNDs behavior and posting style is nothing like YD (as I remember her posting; I was not as obsessed with YD as you seem to be).

Anyone who occupies that particular niche pushing back on the LK bashing is ā€œjokinglyā€ referred to as YD. But none of them that Iā€™ve seen (Equkelly, Hut-Ho, RND) have demonstrated ā€œabsurd behaviorā€ on the forum. Well, Equkelly could get heated, but Iā€™ve seen zero objectionable, much less absurd behavior from Hut-Ho or RND. Other than making points you you disagree with.

I think those posters represent roughly the same minority opinion that you hated hearing from YD, and referring to them as YD is short hand for your dismissal of their posts.

Who is Denali?

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Denali was a long-term poster with strong opinions who posted a lot until getting banned. i didnā€™t always agree with Denali but appreciated the clear communication-no games.


El wrongo.

He was acquitted.

Plus Iā€™m thinking if insurance companies were able to worry about crazy people not many horsemen would have insurance.

Again, Iā€™m sure MB appreciates your concern for his being able to appropriate insurance.


Really? A man was driven insane to the point of violence by LK. Are you saying if weā€™re afraid of LK we deserve the same? That sounds pretty bad. Almost as bad as the ā€œODā€ stmt on the other thread.


I agree with your entire postā€¦ and hope LK gets the help she needed as well.

As far as GM goes - he used to have clinic at a big H/J barn next to the therapeutic riding center I teach atā€¦ his headset mic was loud enough that we could hear every disparaging and obnoxious word he said to the clinic participants. Praise was rare. Condemnation was a guarantee. He saw us riding past (the trail runs outside of the fence for that property for a ways) and told a couple of his clinic riders that they and their fancy horses looked as terrible as THAT! :smile: As he pointed right at us about a football field awayā€¦

I am glad that SS finally caught up to him - at long lastā€¦

RND - the only post I have flagged in recent memoryā€¦ was the post in the other thread last night where someone suggested that LK have an OD. Disgusting, vile and completely inappropriateā€¦


There may not have been games - but Denali needed some guidance and help at the end (some COTHers did reach out to her in RL as I recall). Denali lashed out inappropriately in all directions, insulting, threateningā€¦ repeatedly letting us all know what pathetic losers we were and how terrible our lives must beā€¦ endless insultsā€¦ trashing the mods and the forumā€¦ it was sad - and I hope she has found some peace.

CH - no one is obsessed with YD. That has been explained to you - but if you approve of that style of posting (we were referring to the posts and not the poster), then by all means feel free to do so.
When a thread (or a few posts) head that way every so often and starts to bog down, YD is mentioned in passing. No one said anything about Equkelly being YD (she wasnā€™t), RND is definitely not YD, nor is hut-hoā€¦ nothing of the sort has been said as you have suggested.


I think EADoug had it rightā€“any resolution to his SS ban is years away. Thereā€™s no point in carrying on any discussion regarding the business implications.

Sobering information:


The link is for health systems.

The previous discussion was about insurance.

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