Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

You are kidding, right? You expect anyone with half a brain to believe that LK called Safe Sport out of concern for anyone other than herself? Nope, I’m betting it was a malicious report for the express purpose of causing more mental anguish to MB and MHG.


I agree


Denali had one of the most epic flame outs in COTH history. They were best known perhaps for making personal jabs and petty insults at other posters, rather than discussing the issues at hand.

YD doggedly would post and re-post the same incorrect information over and over again, no matter how many times she was presented with the facts.


Seems familiar



This is why I said there is no reason to discuss business implications. MB’s road back could be very long.

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The only thing I have flagged recently is the thread someone started in off topic that should be moved to the hunter section, so I flagged it to ask moderation to move it.

I know. Evil.

This is a discussion on a horse forum.


[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:288, topic:771664”]

Gee… can you support your accusation that I “can’t abide by someone insisting on legal definitions of terms” ?

No. No you can’t support it.

I specifically told hut-ho that they could fixate on technical definitions if they wanted to. Look at what I actually wrote.

I then made an observation that in the court of public opinion, LK and RG are squatters.

I do understand that you and hut-ho prefer to use legal definitions, and defend the conduct involved by using these terms. And that’s ok. You can do that. I’m sorry it bothers you both so much when other people refer to LK and RG as ‘squatters.’

But… you don’t get to misrepresent my comment. That’s rude. Soooo… I’m correcting the record :slight_smile:


There have been posts making reference to Equkelly and Hut-Ho being YD, although according to some posters, such references are just “jokes”. RND was recently described, jokingly, I’m sure, as being the “love child of YD and Denali”, I didn’t even know who Denali was, but I knew it was an insult.

You’re certainly right that none of those posters has a style remotely similar to YD.

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So when you posted that RND was (or was like) the love child of Denali and YD, that was the most insulting thing you could think of?

RND has been unfailing calm and civil, in stark contrast to YD, and (as I now understand it), Denali.


Circling back to this because I meant to ask:

How did LK know RC had brought her handgun? Per RC’s testimony, she and MB had the conversation about the gun in front of her horse’s stall about midnight. Was LK lurking around at that hour to overhear the conversation or see RC give the gun to MB?


[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:311, topic:771664, full:true”]

Fine. You’ve corrected the record.

LK and RG were legal tenants when MB shot or shot at them, not squatters, by the legal definition of the word, despite MB, his psychiatric expert, and lots of people here referring to them as squatters.

Why does it bother you so much when someone reminds you of the legal definition of the word? In a discussion of criminal and civil court cases?


RND constantly snarks at, insults, and belittles other posters, like Denali. I don’t find that to be civil at all; do you really?

RND tenaciously clings to a false narrative and posts it repeatedly to the point of annoying nearly everyone else on the board, like YD.

RND’s posting style is an amalgam of the two


[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:315, topic:771664, full:true”]

You are making statements that have been proven in court to be untrue. Please correct your post.

It has been proven that any shots fired were not fired to THEM.

Minimumly speaking any shot allegedly fired towards RG has been proven to not exist.

There was no shot fired at RG.


Well, I don’t find RND to be “clinging to a false narrative” because I agree with almost everything she says. Is it that she clings to a position you disagree with?

Is it because she was posting that “narrative” repeatedly “to the point of annoying nearly everyone” that you told her to “shut up”? Telling someone on a discussion board to “shut up” strikes me as insulting and belittling. How did you intend it?

I’m not familiar with Denali, but I see virtually no resemblance between RND and YD, beyond some agreement on content.

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[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:317, topic:771664, full:true”]

It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that RG was shot at - that’s true.

The bolded: That’s a false statement.

You sound just like KnightsMom.

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There is no evidence of a third shot. NG at firing at RG. The shot doesn’t exist. Never existed.

Robert Goodwin never had a shot fired at him.

Proven. In court.

Correct your post.

The only evidence of that shot were from people impeached in court. From liars caught lying.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

Robert Goodwin was never shot at.


No evidence of a third shot =/= proven not to exist.

Ask FitzE or DreadPirateRoberts. They can probably explain it in Latin.

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There is no third shot. In English OR Latin.

Admit it. Fix the post.


Well, there is a cool phrase in Latin for the general case of what I’ve stated in bold, but if you don’t understand it in English, it seems even less likely you’d understand it in Latin.

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I told her to shut up because I was sick of her responding to me and others with nothing but petty insults and jeers, rather than actually discussing the topic of this thread. Have you now been appointed hall monitor?