Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

Do tell. I’m sure the lawyers in the group would love to hear it.

Change the post. There was no shot fired at Goodwin. Proven in court.


The irony of this post is definitely not lost on me. Kanarek clan / Barisone


My ignore list here is the same as on the Barisone thread. Because these posters are so repetitive I end up scrolling through quickly, sort of ruins it for me.

CC must be YDs twin or her alter.


Wait, can you actually fine tune your ignore list to specific threads? If so, I did not know that.

There are definitely a few posters who sound a bit like Charlie Brown’s teacher to me.


I wasn’t the one who mentioned her who RND was addressing, so chill on the ‘obsessed’ hyperbole, yeah? I also was aligned with Equkelly on more than one thread, so that doesn’t stick for me, either. And last time you made a whole bunch of accusations about me and drug other posters into it, they both posted that you were wrong about their interactions with me so maybe give that gambit a rest?

Hope none of that was terrifying and you won’t have to report me again. Or, how does RND of whom you do approve, put it - run to mommy and tell?


Lol. I’m glad someone got it.


Oh - I think you misinterpreted what bothered me.

You being disingenuous about my other post, and twisting it into something it wasn’t - THAT is what bothered me.

As for whether you and hut-ho keep on emphasizing that they were “legal tenants” while they were staying at a property they had been asked to leave, getting into ab escalating confrontation with the owner of the property, such that lawyers had been hired, and eviction proceedings had begun…

You guys can keep on emphasizing how they were legal tenants if that’s what you want to do. No one else seems to be debating about that particular angle issue anymore in these social discussions, what with La-la being banned from these forums, and Bob Abooey mysteriously disappearing from all YouTube chats and comments. So I guess someone needs to keep on making this point in ongoing discussions. And you two are comfortable taking a stand on this, and defending the whole thing.





That’s what the judge said at the very first hearing. He explained tenant/landlord/squatter. Don’t get in an uproar with posters who paid attention. Well, you can but it just shows you didn’t pay attention.


Apparently they (LK/RG) had put listening devices in the barn and office.


I thought she testified that RC usually traveled with it, something RC said as well. LK didn’t know at first whose handgun it was. She listed a lot of people in her first lawsuit filing about it. She just thought it was RC’s.

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Yes yes yes… there you go again emphasizing the legal technical definitions. And that’s great. You can focus on that.

But my point was that it just isn’t resonating in the court of public opinion. No matter how many times you guys say, “But the judge said they weren’t REALLY squatters!”

If you followed all the people who commented on the true crime channel during the actual trial - people who mostly had no pre-existing opinions, unlike everyone on the COTH forums - the word ‘squatter’ was widely used. :woman_shrugging:


On the topic of weaponization of enforcement, it isn’t new. Weaponization of any sort of enforcement – rule enforcement, code enforcement, law enforcement, it happens every day and it’s definitely not unique to Safesport. Even HOAs and HR departments are routinely weaponized. It’s one of those basic aspects of human nature that permeates pretty much every situation that has any differing levels of authority. (“You played with my doll? MOOOMMMMYYYY! Susie’s sneaking a bowl of ice cream before dinner!”)

From the enforcement side’s perspective, it’s just part of the job. Of course I’ll pay attention to the reporting party’s motivation, but the bottom line is that I need to determine if there’s actually anything significant going on. If there is, no matter what the motivation of the reporting party, I’ll investigate. If I don’t see anything interesting, I’ll move on. (Though in both cases, I’ll usually peek at the reporting party to see if they are more directly involved in whatever they’re reporting than they happened to mention.)

In my experience, that’s pretty much how it works with most investigators (even Mommies) across the board.

I’m fairly confident that Safesport has been receiving tips based on varying motivations since its’ inception so I expect they’ll continue business pretty much as usual, with their normal levels of relative competence and imperfections.


Maybe that’s why she had the ninja outfit.


It sounds like that’s exactly what happened with LK and the health department, the fire department, and the building inspector. That whole group turned up at the farm on August 6, and then CPS turned up at the farm the following day, August 7.


Good post, and dose of perspective.

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Bingo. :laughing:


Good point!

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She went for the nuclear option - all because he wanted her to leave.

Like I have said multiple times - some folks don’t handle rejection very well. Some even get all mental about it…


I may be misremembering, but didn’t RC say she had met LK maybe three times? Does it seem plausible she would tell someone she barely knew that she had a gun?