Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

Although his ban had nothing to do with minor students in the first place.


I pretty much agree with you and add that during incarnation it didnā€™t really matter if SS excluded him at all since he was locked up. I suppose it may have kept any horses he owns from being shown MAYBE.

But I do agree with you especially since during lockup SS is moot.

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I have to ask. Did you follow the evidence in the trial at all?

It seems pretty clear that most of her actions in that final stretch were malicious. And she admitted under oath on the witness stand that she had been texting with others about her plan to ā€œruin his life.ā€ Those were her exact words.

I agree that once safe sport was contacted, they had an obligation to inform CPS. And CPS had an obligation to come out and investigate the claim once it was reported to them.

That doesnā€™t change the fact that safe sport should have a system in place to investigate people who purposely file false claims and suspend or ban them appropriately, based on the situation.

Also, do you think CPS did not finish their investigation when all was said and done? Even if they were not able to finish it that day, I doubt they just dropped all the paperwork in the trashcan due to those events.


I assume CPS did eventually find the allegations unfounded but I didnā€™t see ay evidence of that in the testimony I watched. Thatā€™s why in my very first post on this thread I stated that I wasnā€™t sure about that fact.

I did not watch the trial live and I have not watched all the recordings of all the testimony. Iā€™ve seen some snippets. From what I watched, LK is all over the place. I certainly didnā€™t find her to be a credible witness. But I did not see uncontroverted evidence that the report was wholly malicious. Itā€™s possible that was in testimony I didnā€™t watch. I did see some questioning on it and it seemed to suggest that she had some complaints about the childrenā€™s care, and in addition was pursuing her general strategy of making life miserable for MB. Like I said, she was kind of all over the place, and there was some suggestion of some belief that the children were in some risk. There was so much going on with all the interpersonal drama, safety issues relating to wiring/renovations, people sneaking around and antagonizing each other, and a some unaccounted for weapons-- Iā€™m not sure itā€™s 100% clear that the report was wholly meritless. Thatā€™s one conclusion you can draw, and perhaps in other testimony she admitted point blank that the SS report was purely malicious, but I didnā€™t see that testimony. I did see her being all over the place with her explanations and certainly you might misbelieve her explanations for why she did what she did, but thatā€™s a little different.

I didnā€™t find her testimony particularly credible myself. But I also donā€™t know all the facts that SS knows. They presumably have a whole file, much of which is not public record and did not come up in the criminal trial.

If the evidence is slam dunk that the report was malicious, then give SS some time to work. False reports in bad faith do violate SS. So if the evidence shows LK did that, she well may be excluded. Itā€™s been a WEEK since the verdict. To expect some sort of immediate suspension/exclusion this quickly is unrealistic. Especially given that SS will want to cross all its Ts and dot all its Is so any exclusion isnā€™t successfully challenged and reversed. And if the evidence is not as black and white as youā€™re suggesting (and the part I watched was not)ā€¦ again, give SS some time to sort things out. Itā€™s been essentially a week and thereā€™s a fair amount at stake here. Donā€™t you want SS to get it right (so any exclusion sticks) rather than do it fast and potentially leave any decision open to challenge? Itā€™s literally been only a week.


I donā€™t see where anyone has expressed distress that SS hasnā€™t acted yet.
Just assertions that we all hope that they do and will.

As for CPS and the SS allegation of harm being accurate because MD shot LK, well, I still donā€™t believe it was ever proven that he intentionally shot her, and it is as likely that there was a struggle and the gun became involved, either for self defense or accidentally.


She shot no one. People say itā€™s ok to post trash talk about her and her family here but not ok for her to trash talk on SM. Dissonance.


For him to be given not guilty by insanity meant the state proved the the elements of the crime of attempted murder and the gun charge for her. He is not guilty because the jury believed he was insane and didnā€™t know what he was doing when he shot her.

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if only shooting was the only way people could be harmedā€¦

sharing her own testimony is not trash talking her.


As the parent MHG would be the first interviewed. I would guess she told CPS that she had sent the child to the fathers for his/her safety and why. She would also interview RC to see if theyā€™re stories matched. If the child had been there he/she would have been interviewed and if the call was indeed in regard to MB, he would have been interviewed last. If she then believed the call was a false report she would follow-up with SS.


I can disagree with it.



If safe sport finds that LK or anyone else is making false accusations to stir up trouble for others, those people who file false claims should face serious consequences.


This is fair.

One thing that is unclear right now, is whether or not SafeSport even is investigating this situation, and whether there were malicious and false reports.

Itā€™s very clear that it is against SafeSport code to make malicious and false reports.

But is unclear as to how an investigation into a potential malicious and false report is actually initiatedā€¦ and what the process involves.

I think some clarity on this specific issue might be reassuring to many people who are shocked and unsettled by what transpired in this INCREDIBLY specific, and INCREDIBLY unusual case.


Client complains about trainer. Trainer complains about client then shoots client. Client gets banned. That would reek of retaliation. Not a good look.


It seems like safe sport does not say a word until they have completed their investigation, unless they feel the need to issue an immediate temporary suspension to prevent further harm from taking place.

Or at least, that seems to have been the procedure in the horse cases they have worked on. So unless they are actually questioning someone who is either a witness or the subject of an investigation, word would probably not get out.


We all know what it means, thanks. And as far as SafeSport is concerned, it means he has not been convicted of any crime.


This is the craziest thing you have ever posted, and Iā€™ve been scratching my head raw over many of your posts.


Interesting. Thanks for providing that information about what standard procedure normally involves with interviews.

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Correct. Which is why horses are often deemed an attractive nuisance, and the onus is on the owner to limit potential contact, especially from children. As someone who attended and taught at schools with horses, many schools no longer have horses šŸ¤·

If only everything was that simplistic.


These threads have shown me that there are a lot more people willing to twist things to justify being horrible than I ever imagined there were in the world. (Either that or one person has lots of identities.)