Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

Except did the child services person testify that MB was not the target of the complaint about the kids? That instead there were (apparently false) allegations of neglect against the mother?

Michael’s SafeSport ban was not because minors were unsafe in his property. It was because he was facing criminal charges. And now he’s has been found not guilty of those charges.

The other people you refer to were banned after lengthy investigations by SafeSport upheld multiple complaints against them and determined they presented an ongoing risk. If and when MB is released, it will be because he is not a risk to anyone.

SafeSport is not supposed to be a punishment - it’s meant to keep students and minors safe from abuse.


Except the apparently false is again really undermined by the fact that Michael barisone went and shot his client shortly thereafter.

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I believe Bilinkas proved that the actions of LK, on top of his earlier trauma set him up for his break. Absent his tormenter it would not have happened or do you think he was headed for a break before she showed up on the scene and he would have shot some one else if she had never been involved?


No it’s not. How are claims that MHG was neglecting her kids and not cleaning up cat pop corroborated by MB shooting someone?


The idea that it was an unsafe environment for kids was certainly supported.

Again, we will see what safe sport and usef decide with regards to Barisone’s reinstatement.

I think he presents an unpredictable liability, but no one here is the arbiter of Barisone’s safe sport status.


I guess the bigger issue is the repeated assertions that these “recordings” will be presented to SS with the purpose of getting MHG banned by SS. And then the other assertions in the main SS thread that kind of sound like there is a plan to attempt to sue/change SS’s rules in order to further this plan to get MHG banned.


MB tells either mental health doctors and/or nice lawyer friend he let LK move back in during the spring of 2019 because he needed the money. (Later, after arrest on his jail house nuisance lawsuit against LE and the judge, he said JK made him let her back.)

7/13/2019 MB texts MHG to trust him, he will make it so bad for LK and RG to stay that they will be begging to leave.

7/30/2019 text from MB to MHB to contact everyone to find out about LK. MB calls USDF and USEF to complain about LK

Not sure what day but around this time period, LK reports trainer to SafeSport for bullying. SafeSport asks about minors on premises and calls DPPC. RG contacts BI andFM about barn and house not being to code.

Complaints verified by BI and FM. No occupancy ever obtained for barn.

8/6/2019 MHG mails 700 plus page private investigator and other information to SafeSport about LK.

MB has unfiled eviction letter couriered to LK to scare her out.

FM evict people from barn for no occupancy and LK and RG from house because no smoke alarms. LK and RG add smoke alarms and get temporary permission to stay pending recheck by FM.

8/7/2019 DPPC visits MHG, mother of minors and during that visit, LK gets shot by trainer.

So, LK says her trainer is a bully and he shoots her.

Hindsight, she should have left and gone anywhere then resettled later.

So people can dream up false SafeSport reports but it seems like hers was a verified report of danger.


I suppose one could argue that horses in general create a potentially unsafe environment. In fact, being on a farm and in the presence of farm equipment or even nipping dogs present elements which are potentially unsafe to children (and some adults).


Who knows what might have happened? But that’s not the present issue for the court, et al.
The question is what is Barisone’s current and future mental health and what current and future risk he poses? And what steps can be taken to eliminate or reduce that risk?


If the mental health professionals release MB as not being A danger to himself or others would SS be able to continue the suspension?Could he be allowed to train and coach adults but not juniors?


As shown in other cases, SafeSport does not require a criminal case to act. So they would not be required to follow any legal action regarding Barisone. Certainly, I think any future court actions would be considered in SafeSport’s independent decisions.


Once MB is released freely he should IMMEDIATELY have his SS ban lifted.

It’s not even debatable.


what made the environment unsafe was LK


I’m so anxious for his May hearing to see what they decide is next for him. I don’t know a lot of the legality of everything, but I really hope they get him out patient help so he can heal at home at the very least and they take the last 2 yrs incarcerated into consideration.


apparently others understood. shrug

If someone weaponizes safesport, with an allegation they create simply to harass another… that is definitely something that should be met with consequences.

Is it a flaw in SS itself? No, as you say one can not predict what people will do.

But that doesn’t mean it can not be managed to a degree by the deterring fact that consequences exist for when the accuser has admitted, in court under oath, that they made the allegation up to harass the person.
Especially when CPS investigates and finds nothing.



There is always a shyster out there who will figure out how to twist the best things in order to con the system.


The only person making it an unsafe environment for kids seems to be the person who reported it. There has been no evidence that MHG was neglectful or that MB posed any risk to the children, or to anyone aside from himself and LK. You can keep saying it, but that doesn’t make it true.


It’s strange how many details you left out of your…unique…version of events. What colour is the sky on that planet?


At the very least, if it even considers keeping the ban, it should be on a temporary basis while SS conducts its own thorough investigation to determine whether MB presents a risk to minor students. Agree that a ban for criminal charges should not be in place once someone has been found not guilty at trial.


I’m glad others understood. I clearly didn’t. I find it easier to read things communicated in full sentences and clearly expressed, but other people may be better at deriving intent from sentence fragments and snippets of commentary around quotes. I’m still not sure what you think “went wrong” here. That LK hasn’t suffered any consequences for having made a “false” SS report against MB (thereby “weaponizing” the SS process)?

Here’s the problem with that reasoning, if that is your reasoning, LK did not successfully weaponize SS. She called and made a report (of some sort) to SS. SS deemed it to be more appropriately investigated by CPS. SS alterted CPS. CPS went out to the property to investigate. Before CPS could complete its investigation, MB shot LK, sending her to the hospital.

THEN SS excluded MB-- not because of the report LK had made about the child abuse but because MB had been charged with attempted homicide. SS excluded MB because he shot a client with a gun and not because of any allegations of child abuse.

Isn’t that what you want? It’s what I want. If someone is a USEF member and shoots and attempts to kill another person with a gun, I want the shooter excluded from USEF events until the criminal charges are resolved. I feel the same way about any violent crime. Do you feel otherwise? You think USEF members who have been criminally charged with other violent crimes (assault, rape, etc.) should continue to get to compete while criminal charges are pending? USEF is a membership club, I am perfectly comfortable with temporary exclusions during the pendency of a criminal process for members charged with serious bodily injury crimes. Now that MB has been found not guilty, I am also fine with the USEF lifting the exclusion. But I think it was completely appropriate to temporarily exclude him while charges were pending (not that it mattered tremendously as he was incarcerated and unable to participate in USEF activities anyway).

What exactly do you think SS should have done differently here? Not report an allegation of child abuse to CPS? Not suspend a member who was charged with attempted homicide of a client? Reinstate MB the moment the jury returned its verdict? This is a complex case with pretty unusual facts. It would not surprise me if MB is ultimately reinstated but I’m not looking for my pitchfork because it didn’t happen immediately post-trial. I think there’s still a fair amount factually that needs to be sorted out here, including whether MB remains a risk to himself and others.

It appears you think SS should in some way punish LK for making a false accusation. It can and perhaps it will. But first there would have to be some evidence that LK did indeed make a false accusation. I think that’s going to be problematic to determine here. CPS didn’t get to finish its investigation (or rather the whole thing kind of got superseded) because MB shot LK while the child abuse investigation was ongoing. So we don’t really know that the allegation was “false.” Moreover, even if it was unfounded, do we really want to discourage people from making SS reports where a child is at risk? There’s a difference between a malicious/false report and one that turns out to be wrong. Even if the report LK turned out to be wrong, it hasn’t been proven to be malicious. It seems like there was a chaotic environment there (even if it was largely created by LK herself) and I am not sure it’s crystal clear that the allegations were wholly malicious even if they turned out to be incorrect. I want people to report even suspected child abuse (and SS in fact requires it) and not only to report child abuse that the reporter has 100% confirmed. We’re all assuming that LK made the report maliciously and that’s certainty one way to view the facts but I am not sure it’s the only way. And that’s why I think this is a complicated matter for SS to sort out. It’s not as black and white as you seem to imply.

We don’t know whether SS is going to take some action towards LK. The trial literally just ended a few days ago. It seems inappropriate to me to claim a system is broken/needs reform when it’s been given roughly a week to “work” in a pretty complex case with a lot of idiosyncratic facts and issues. LK may be suspended in the future.

Look, if you ask me my PERSONAL OPINION OF LK, I’ve got one and it’s not positive. But that doesn’t mean I just get to assume all the facts are as I want them to be consistently with my personal opinion and then be mad at SS because it doesn’t draw all the same inferences from the facts.

This case is complicated. LK made a report of child abuse. But MK also shot her. And the facts around these two events are not crystal clear. They’re subject to some interpretation. That SS has not immediately reinstated MB nor immediately excluded LK in such a complicated (and frankly weird) case isn’t that concerning to me. I think largely the SS process worked as it was intended to.