Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

Not just bullets, but exploding bullets
I talked with a friend who is a high level competition shooter who is horse world adjacent and his first question knowing the situation here was which kind of exploding bullets, the ones that explode in the gun to disable it and injure the person holding or the ones that explode on impact after shooting. Both kinds are out there for people with bad intentions


I did not realize that Safe Sport called CPS - I was under the impression that she was reporting him to whoever she could.And yes, as part of her general pattern of harassment, her calls to SafeSport obviously contributed to that.

My point was that there seems to be this pervasive idea that anyone can file a false report to SafeSport and get you banned from USEF - and this shows that just isn’t true.

I am not at all trying to minimize the effects of having to deal with a false accusation (especially in this case, where the effects were basically as bad as possible) even when the accusation is determined to be unfounded. Going through that whole process is grueling for anyone. My point is simply this case pokes holes in the idea that any false report will end in a suspension/expulsion.

ETA: I agree SafeSport needs to come down hard on people who file false reports. It benefits everyone - the person a false report may be filed against, and those who want to come forward with legitimate reports.


Yes. And I also think it is noteworthy that the caseworker interviewed RC next. So I am wondering if the report CPS received from SS had to do with concerns about firearms on the property, specifically one belonging to RC. Otherwise, why would the caseworker ask to talk to her, esp. since she was just a “visitor” and not a regular resident there?


That is true.

But obviously there can be a huge amount of collateral damage done in the process, even if this one occasion went spectacularly worse than anyone could have predicted.

Which is why there should be very harsh penalties in place for people who try to abuse the system.

Again, I have no trouble believing that the number of legitimate reports is probably 95%, if not more. But that other 5%? Those people need to face some consequences.


Maybe that’s why she was doing the search on the phone, in order to narrow it down.


Nothing to do with this topic, a total tangent, but I never heard of bullets that explode on purpose in the gun to injure the person shooting.
Darn, those sound extra scary.


See? You never know when you’re going to learn something new and unexpected on this BB.


Add in LKs self proclaimed access to the office and it just gets even more bizarre.
Just a few Code of conduct violations by LK: as I see them
Uses drugs/meds on banned list
Stalks people on line , harasses and body shames
Surreptitiously records others at the farm in their private conversations
Threatens people
Uses false reports to torment others


Yes, somebody else pointed out that there is language in the USEF charter about not maligning the integrity of the officials, or something like that, after she swore under oath on the witness stand that the dressage judges are affected by who the trainer is. That one seems pretty cut and dried.

I think using her sworn testimony is a pretty safe route, since it is on the record in a court of law, so they don’t have to prove that she said it.


Lots of people live with severe mental health issues. And like any other medical condition, many people lead productive, busy, successful lives with the proper care and treatment. They pose no danger to anyone. Mental illness itself is not cause to uphold the SS ban. MB ran a successful business, maintained a competitive career at the highest level, and was respected and loved by his peers, all while living with mental illness. That only changed when he had the misfortune of becoming a target for someone whose stated goal was to destroy him.

If and when he is released from a mental health facility, it will be because the experts deem that he’s not a threat to himself or the public. On what grounds should the ban remain? He was banned because of the criminal charges he faced. He was found not guilty of those charges.


And he shot a client. And a member of the national federation. In the context of his horse training business.

I do not see safe sport letting a trainer, who shot a student, return to the sport.

He, like his friends who’ve also been banned by Safe Sport, can conduct a business outside of the context of the national federation.


So the whole jury/not guilty thing means nothing?


To follow, my understanding is that the visit following the safe sport complaint related to it being an unsafe environment for kids
and then a crazy person shot someone shortly thereafter
which suggests the report was right. Thankfully the kids weren’t there at the time.


Not guilty by reason of insanity, where decades of trauma were laid out.

Those traumas still exist.

He shot a client, in the context of conducting his business.

I do not see safe sport reinstating him, but I guess we will find out.

As with Morris, there are certainly no shortage of members clambering to work with Barisone.


Yes. She posted that she made a report about herself being bullied, but that SS wasn’t interested unless it was about kids
.and ended that post by saying that she told SS that MB didn’t mean to be that way it’s just he didn’t know any better because he didn’t have kids


That was me and possibly others.

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LK testified she called the SafeSport hotline about bullying and was asked if there were minors living on the property.


No, he shot his tormenter who had threatened his business and through her actions threatened the mental well being of the children, and that is a line that should never be crossed. She set out to destroy him; she was successful, she just did not anticipate what would happen when he snapped.

If a psychiatric facility finds that he is not a danger to himself or others, why should SS continue the ban? Or do you think they should help “Finish the Bastard”?


That’s not what the trial determines. The trial merely determined that he was insane when he shot LK, and the doctors laid out decades of evidence as to why he was insane.

Again, he is a trainer who shot a student. He was determined insane, the product of a number of traumas, and it would be insane for the national federation or safe sport to allow him to be under these stressors again, which could trigger another violent episode. They could be liable.


If and when Barisone is released from custodial care, it would not be unusual for the Court to set ongoing conditions. He might have to be under the care of a mental health professional with that caregiver providing periodic updates. There might be conditions that if he wanted to relocate to Florida, his supervision would have to be transferred to Florida authorities.
The court might require he not own or possess firearms. The court could bar him from teaching, since that is the context of the shooting.
Since SafeSport and the USEF followed the court 's lead on their initial suspensions, it is likely they will do the same going forward and mirror court restrictions.
Editing to say, neither the Court not the groups would take a one and done action. If after release his mental condition improved or worsened, any could change restrictions or lift them altogether.