Safesport in the wake of the Barisone Verdict: Weaponization and Inconsistent Standards

I can’t understand what you’re trying to say. I find what you’ve written on this thread borderline incomprehensible.


Once again - louder (but without shouting), for those in the back.

Prior to LK purposefully - and with great delight - upping her campaign of Finish The Bastard to new heights, MB was enjoying life, teaching, riding, running two barns, had lots of students/clients/staff, had other interests… and was doing well. Not exactly exhibiting the severe mental health issues that some insist were already messing up his life. He had those issues under control and life was good.

We all have underlying issues… a chain of some kind is there for many of us. But tying oneself in knots to avoid mentioning how very troubled LK is and just patting her on the head for her malicious intent and behavior (and all but excusing it) is just wrong. Her behavior was not “just one link” - it was THE link at that time.

I have personally experienced and suffered through what one person like that can do to an entire barn and mess up/destroy lives. Dismissing how that can happen and the damage it can cause is blinders-on tunnel vision… and sad. It is frustrating to see that attitude coming from people who have obviously had the good fortune never to have someone like that step into their lives and pour gasoline on everything while holding a lit match and smiling…

I am not sure how SafeSport can handle issues like this - there almost has to be more specific language involving such issues or some kind of tracking/scale to determine how severe or long term such behavior can be and when the line has been crossed. I am not sure - I sure as hell do not have all (or any) of the answers.


So well said.


Isn’t this case evidence that the danger of weaponizing SafeSport is wildly overblown? It didn’t work for LK, since MB wasn’t added to the SafeSport suspension list until the shooting.

LK is crafty and manipulative - I have a hard time believing that others would be more successful at “weaponizing” SafeSport than her.


We don’t know if it did not work for LK, because of the shooting.

And she did weaponize it. She got SS to act. Maybe the thought of having CPS at your place accusing you of things you did not do does not seem like weaponizing to you, but it certainly does to me.


Reputationally, they will be held accountable. And there’s no way of knowing what things that would have come their way now won’t. There’s no way of knowing how many missed opportunities for LK there are, have been or will be.

Sometimes you just have to trust the universe to have karma sort it out. I promise you it will.


Yeah I’m gonna have to disagree on you with this one being his lifelong trauma still enabled huge success in he show and training arenas.

It’s all on LK. All of it. It’s not even disputable really.


If she reported MB before the shooting, which it seems the assumption is that she did, SafeSport could have suspended him if there was enough evidence. That did not happen. He wasn’t suspended until he was criminally indicted for the shooting.

And she certainly weaponized CPS - I never said otherwise. Are you trying to safe SafeSport called CPS? Because otherwise I do not see how CPS showing up is connected to a report to SafeSport.

LKs attempt worked marginally well regarding SS. It was successful in causing him pain as was intended. However no findings make it an unfounded case so fail there.

False reports are to cause the reportee pain, annoyance and anger.

I would think that the pattern of behavior LK admitted to and was evidenced in the trial certainly goes against USEFs code of conduct so maybe that’s a more appropriate venue for this type of stuff.


This makes sense. It also is a SafeSport violation to file a false report, so I would hope there would be some repercussions there too.


And why did they speak to RC? Had she been specifically named in the complaint they received?


There was not enough time between report and the shooting to know that they would or would not have done something, that was the point you seem to be missing.
There was enough time for them to send CPS.


It came out during the trial when the CPS caseworker actually testified that her office had been contacted by SafeSport.

It also came out during the trial that there were two separate Google searches on LKs phone for an anonymous hotline to the local CPS office. But… there was no evidence on the phone showing LK actually called that anonymous hotline.

The defense attorney questioned LK during cross examination and asked her about the two Google searches on her phone for the local CPS office anonymous hotline. Why were those searches on her phone? LK testified under oath that JH had previously taken her phone and hacked into it at some point earlier in the summer or even back in the spring… and she testified under oath that MAYBE he had done that again… twice… to make it appear that she was googling anonymous hotlines…

The questioning stopped at that point. Because that explanation of the Google searches on her phone was obviously a serious stretch.

The inference anyone watching all the testimony would easily make is that she googled the information, and then decided to call in her report to SafeSport instead of the local CPS office. And SafeSport simply acted as a responsible mandatory reporter. and immediately notified the local CPS office.

I hope that makes sense.


That does make sense, thank you!

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No one knows for sure why they questioned RC second that day at the farm. The local CPS caseworker did not testify to the details of the actual report she had received from SafeSport. The only thing we do know is that the report did mention urgent concerns about children on the property… specifically MHGs children.

As a point of fact, we still don’t know if LK made only one report to SafeSport… focused entirely on MB… or if she actually made two, and another report actually focused on MHG. We do know that when the CPS caseworker showed up at the property, MHG was the very first person they interviewed. Which is noteworthy…


I thought she admitted to making one previously but it went nowhere because like all the reports to SS about LK, it is adults doing stupid things to adults so SS ignored it. She posted that she knew to get SS to respond that it had to be something against kids.
Someone posted the screen shot that post somewhat recently.


Wow. Seriously? Wow.



I don’t know how anyone can say that the safe sport ploy did not work spectacularly well for LK in the long run.

According to the psychiatrist and psychologists who examined MB and testified at the trial, that CPS visit was the last straw that sent him over the edge that day, which resulted in him spending 2 1/2 years in jail waiting for his trial for attempted murder.

And even now, when he’s been found not guilty by reason of insanity, his future is completely unknown. His farm in New Jersey got sold, his business is gone, and he may or may not be released from the mental facility at some point down the road.

All of that came about because of the false report LK filed with safe sport, which resulted in the CPS visit that day, according to MB’s lawyer.

Even if safe sport did not suspend him directly because of the CPS visit, the CPS visit sent him over the edge, according to the doctors, which then resulted in the safe sport suspension.

Does anyone think for one second that LK or someone similar would feel the tiniest bit of remorse about that outcome for MB? Or would such a person be thrilled with the results, and think it was a fantastic tactic to keep in mind for the next time they wanted to stir up trouble?

Obviously, without a crystal ball, there’s no way to know what would have happened without that CPS visit. But the whole situation might have been resolved without anyone spending one day in jail or one night in the hospital if the CPS visit had never happened.

Safe sport needs to come down HARD on anyone who uses it for such a malicious purpose, if only to discourage others from doing the same thing. Especially in a case like this, when the person had a whole plan in place to “ruin his life,” which was very well documented under oath in the courtroom testimony.

At least if LK is banned for life, the next person might think twice about using that tactic.


LK had the same explanation when she was asked about the search history on her phone for bullets. :roll_eyes:


Yes, she absolutely did make such a post, I remember it and was thinking of it as I read this thread and it got into the CPS call. I may have seen the screenshot, but it’s likely I remember the original as my memory works like that (excellent recall of random useless nuggets that turn out to be from much longer ago than I realize).