Safest Ground Transport Option

During a long distance ground transport trip in a box stall with one of the major companies, my horse was injured. He arrived with blood, scrapes, and a huge (permanent) lump on his face. The shipper refused to tell me what happened.

Not knowing what went wrong has made me worried about shipping him. He had made multiple trips before and after that where he is perfect. He loads perfectly. He travels perfectly. He unloads perfectly.

I have to send him on another long trip. Is there any logic top putting him in a half stall rather than a box stall so that he can’t be tossed around inside a box stall if he loses his balance or something?

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Honestly, not really. A horse can be thrown around in either one if the ride is rough or the driver is bad. Assuming the trailer is set up like the ones below (photos courtesy of Brook Ledge), the horse can still injure themselves (pull back on the ties, fenangle part of themselves under the bar, etc).

I’m sorry that your horse was injured on his trip and that the shippers did not explain what hapened. Unfortunately, one bad experience can mess up your whole outlook. I think the fact your horse shipping in a box stall perfectly fine (except the one time it went poorly) is indicative that it is a safe method of transport.

image Half stall
image Box stall

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I know nothing about shipping in box stalls. That said, I don’t think I’d ever be comfortable shipping loose in a box stall. I would worry he would get tossed around more if he were loose if the driver stopped suddenly, etc…sort of like not wearing a seatbelt.