Sarapin injections for chronic pain?

Does anyone know anything about Sarapin injections for neuropathy? I’ve started to see it mentioned more lately. Thanks.

I have never heard of that being done in humans but it was/is relatively common in race horses. It can be injected or mixed with DMSO and painted on. I never thought it was very effective and would think there would be better options when you aren’t worried about being drug tested like with race horses.

“relatively common in race horses”

Ah ha, that is where I also recall it from. I believe I was filling out some Doctor’s form lately and it asked if you ever had it, in addition to asking about cortisone, trigger points, etc.

How are you feeling, btw?

Unless your doc could give you a good bit of credible info on what it was, exactly, and how it worked, I’d be leery of it as a treatment.

A veterinarian that I respect very much once said to me – “Look, we don’t even know how or why Sarapin works, basically, we don’t know what it does, so why would I inject something that no one seems to know what it does?” And that was enough for me.

My former trainer’s horse had a sarapin injection that was supposed to be into the upper part of the suspensory ligament (again, why you would do this is beyond me) and the vet missed and got the lower knee joint with the injection.

Horse died three weeks later with a joint infection that nothing could resolve. It was heartbreaking. Now, I don’t know if the vet’s injection technique was not sterile or if the Sarapin itself caused the infection, but unless I had more reliable info, I wouldn’t want it injected into my horses or to me.

YMMV, of course, and I’m definitely not a doctor. Just a vet geek. :slight_smile:

“relatively common in race horses”

Ah ha, that is where I also recall it from. I believe I was filling out some Doctor’s form lately and it asked if you ever had it, in addition to asking about cortisone, trigger points, etc.

How are you feeling, btw?[/QUOTE]

Not too bad all things considered, thanks for asking!

Thanks Bensmom. So very sorry about your friend’s horse! I agree, I think I was more seeking information/input than ready to try it myself, right now.

Laurie, ^^^, I am so very, very glad!