saving threads to my desktop

Erin, or other mod, I’m getting ready to deploy and when I deployed last time I had access to the COTH boards only on what we call morale computers, you go sit at a morale center, and wait an hour plus for access to a morale computer, which has access to yahoo mail accounts, and for me, the coth boards. Well, the hitch is that you only have about 30 minutes on that computer, and I used to just scan coth as fast as I could and then do email, and leave. I will have my own laptop (but no access to personal internet) with me this time (happy xmas to me!) and I was wondering if it would be possible to save threads onto a thumb drive (ok to use on the morale computers) and then transfer them to my laptop to read in the comfort of my own tent…
I know I could copy and paste each page, but is there an easier way to do it?

thoughts? thanks!

The easiest thing would probably be to save a PDF, but it would depend on the computer you’re using being able to do that.

Alternatively, you can use the email-a-thread function under the thread tools menu to email yourself a copy of the thread… but I believe it only emails the first page.

Maybe some of our resident Windows whizzes will have more ideas – I’m a Mac person, so I’m not sure I can help much.

Thanks Erin, I appreciate your help.

How would I save a pdf?

Well, in the Mac browser, you can save something as a PDF through the print function, but I have a feeling that’s a Mac-only thing. :wink: If the computer has Adobe Acrobat on it, that’s the program that can actually create PDFs, but I’m not sure that the computers you’re using would have any reason to have that program.

Failing a PDF, I think just using your browser’s save function is probably the best bet. Again, it depends on the browser as to how useful that function is, but it should be readable, at least.

Hopefully someone more savvy with a PC will be able to help. I’ll page furlong47 and see if she has any ideas.

There’s no easy way to do this, that I can tell. It doesn’t seem to be built into the forum software anyway.

You’d have to open every page of every thread that you want, and then use File --> Save As to save them to the memory stick. You can also go down the thread listing, right click each one, choose “Save Target As…”, name the file, and save it to the stick. That will give you a crappy looking HTML document but all the text will be there. But it will only save the first page of the thread. You’d still have to open all the other pages manually and save them too.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it, last place I was the forum was blocked at work, but I could read the magazine, and I could get to the forum at the morale computer centers, so even if I have to save every page of a thread, it will save time and let me go over things on my own computer at my own pace once I get them off the internet at the morale centers.
