Scar tissue pain

I am hoping someone here will have some ideas for me.

Background: About 15 year ago I broke my femur. They inserted a rod from below my knee, under my patella,and into the femur. I occasionally have had pain from the pins holding it near my knee, but not any problems with the fingertip-sized scar below my knee.
Last week I slipped and hyperextended that knee. No pain, thought nothing of it, no swelling. I did not fall down (caught myself on the washing machine…)
Well, this week I have had shooting pains in my knee, in and around that scar tissue, when riding. :o Experimenting around, it also hurts when I thump my foot on the ground. It is sharp enough that its hard to ignore. It sometimes makes me just stop riding…

I have no idea how to deal with this. Nothing else I do causes any discomfort. I am using sore no more and a capsacin product in hopes it dulls the pain receptors.

many thanks in advance

If it is truly the scar tissue (as opposed to a nerve or something else irritated) I have been told by PT’s to just do whatever irritates it till you can just BARELY feel it.

Repeat till you don’t feel it anymore, up the ante till you feel it again.

Rinse repeat for as many cycles as necessary…could be days - weeks to get it all out.

Thanks. I guess that’s what I’m doing - can’t give up the riding!!

“Repeat till you don’t feel it anymore, up the ante till you feel it again.”

Disagree! Could be a meniscus injury or ligaments in which case she will make things worse! I’m a medical professional, btw.

yeh - that’s why i said ‘if it IS scar tissue’…if don’t know - needs a doc…

There is a nerve right there under the patella and also a fat pad both of which can be surprisingly painful if you bump or pinch them. I bruised that nerve once and it took 3 months to stop hurting, it was ridiculous.