We went on a trail ride today, and 95% of it was absolutely wonderful! We followed a steady older Warmblood gentleman, and the girl was completely manageable, if looky.
Except for the creek.
Ooooh, good lord, the creek.
We approached the water. Girly’s head shot up. She snorted. She backed up very fast. She skittered from side to side, making noises and looking desperately for a way to not go through that horrible running water. We tried walking her friend back over for her to follow, we tried to pony her through it, she wouldn’t move. I eventually got off and we had a very long, very wet discussion about going in the water and the fact that she will not die if she does so. Eventually (I’m talking 10-15 minutes here), we got across the five-foot-wide creek, with much snorting and many dramatics.
We got through a puddle later with only mild hysterics, but I’m really concerned about how incredibly scared she was about going through the water. She was actually shaking, and I felt awful about forcing the issue but I didn’t want to reinforce her impression that water was bad by turning around. Does anyone have suggestions for helping a horse get over a fear like this?