$*@%!%& Sciatica !!!!!!

Today I was getting dressed to go to ride, started pulling on my britches and there it went, crippling me making me scream. It’s hurt before in the past but today it is the worst it has ever been. Usually it goes away after I walk it out but today, it is not that easy. It’s been over 8 hours now and I can’t bend over or sit. I haven’t ridden in a week and usually riding helps. I was going to try to ride through it but I couldn’t even get up on the mounting block.
I don’t have health insurance so I am hoping that my naprosin, bigeloil, heating pad and massager help me through this. I hate to work tomorrow!

Does anyone have any advice that I can try?

Yes! There is a stretch you can do, I really can’t describe it but I bet you can google/youtube it. That will alleviate some of the tension.

I haven’t been able to stand on one leg to pull on pants since I had my kids :. It does suck!

Oh yeah. I have been trying to do those stretches all afternoon. Not working at all!

Booze and lots of it?
Maybe with a few pain killers?

Ugh, I totally know what you’re going through, I have yet to find anything that really works except time.

I wish I had some alcohol :frowning: but I do have some tylenol pm I might take. Got my icy hot my heating pad and some naposin that will hopefully get me through the night. Hopefully… :wink:

Oh BTW, don’t feel so bad about not being able to get your pants on . My DD had to undress mo tonight…half chaps, paddocks and britches. And they had an argument over who gets to take care of me when I’m old. They’re gonna hire a nurse lol

spinal decompression (teeter table) works a charm on my sciatica when all else fails.

I HATE sciatic pain, its so sneaky and debilitating


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I’m not a sufferer, but I love to play matchmaker.:slight_smile:

Here’s a relevant recent thread:


so a hospital stay, some pain killers and a week and some change later.

I’m still in pain. Xrays showed no fractures, hernias, slipped disc or spinal compression. What they did find is that I am missing a complete vertebrae in my lower back but the drs said it shouldn’t be causiy pain. At 37 years old any issues would have surfaced long before now. It’s not sciatica but inexplicable lower back pain. The drs feel it will resolve itselfwurh time and I am slowly getting better but sitting is the worst. Driving cramps me up and all the meds do is make me sleepy. Walking helps and I hope to start riding again soon but I don’t want to overdo it. Sigh…I’m sitting in the ring watching my horse freely gallop and jump and it is beautiful out today. Wish I could speed up the healing :’(

Oh, x-rays don’t show that much usually. (I work in the field). An x-ray won’t show you a disc herniation or bulge. You’d need an MR to see what’s going on.

Do feel better.

Try acupuncture!! I’m not woowoo, but I was uncomfortable enough that I tried acupuncture on my lower back/sciatica. A friend had told me that it had actually helped him (doctor recommended) when he had had sciatica. I figured what the heck? In two visits, the acupuncture took a great deal of the pain away and allowed me to heal. Since then, I have heard of others who have had positive experiences with sciatica and acupuncture. And it’s not invasive! I would also try working in some very low impact yoga stretching and the like.

Can you get your hands on some Prednisone? With the Nsaids (or something stronger - like Oxycodone) that would help ALOT! Have you tried ice instead of heat? I had a bad episode and that is what helped me alot. I have a Teeter table and do love it! I have bulging discs throughout my lumbar area with degeneration and damage from a fracture and the sciatica acts up from all of that. Ice helps me more than heat. You want to get the swelling down and ice is your friend. You have my sympathy and prayers – horrible pain – I hope you can get some relief!

Ditto TKR- ICE, ice, baby!! Get rid of the inflammation that’s causing the nerve to be pressed of pinched.

Lol Pred made me dangerous when I had Bell’s Palsy. Seriously. No steroids for me. I’m on Oxycodone now and gave up alternating heat and ice. Now just doing ice. I am getting there slowly. I noticed I am getting quicker when I get up and my range of motion has increased. Still got a ways to go before I ride sadly…

Another sciatic nerve sufferer here. I bought a neopreme thing (wide thing with pouch in back for a large ice pack that straps around your body in the hips/lower back area). The ice pack is a HUGE blue gel pack that you put in the freezer.

I wear this a lot these days and it does help quite a bit.

find a good chiropractor

one who does active release. I am pain free for the past 10 years. the treatments were not fun.

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Jingles for you to feel better soon ~

Jingles for you to feel better soon ~~~ :yes:

Time ```` coupled with meds and ice and heat therapy ** and and more time ~

Jingles and AO You are back in the saddle soon

Has anyone ever worked on your piriformis muscle which runs deep to your glutes? That helps a LOT on my clients who suffer from sciatica.

I hope you feel better tres soon!

What sort of therapist would know to do that, Judy?

No one has mentioned trying

a chiropractor. I had the same problem, couldn’t walk or sit without pain. A friend suggested her chiropractor. ONE treatment and the pain was cut to almost nothing. I continued treatments for about 3 months, twice a week to start and have had no serious troubles since. I hope this information helps!
