Search brokem

Just tried Quick & Advanced - either get No Matches or Topics started by the User (tried this after my word elicited the dreaded No Matches) years ago, but none of the recent ones!

Trying the manual skim search & realized how much more inefficient this is with the new
Started by
preceeding the User Name :frowning:

The post database is all screwed up right now. You can’t see recent posts. Just older stuff from a long time ago. It will definitely take some time and lots of tweaking to migrate properly to the new software.

Having the same problem. Search function is now useless unless you’re interested in really dated material. :mad:

We’ve reported the search issues – thanks!

Thank you. I’m sure it’s a pain hearing all of the whining. Sorry! :winkgrin:

It’s not just random searches; it’s also affecting the “new posts by” user searches. Looks like whatever table it’s using needs to be flushed and rebuilt. I don’t know vbulletin (I run Invision BBs) but that’s where I would start looking.

It’s not just random searches; it’s also affecting the “new posts by” user searches. Looks like whatever table it’s using needs to be flushed and rebuilt. I don’t know vbulletin (I run Invision BBs) but that’s where I would start looking.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I noted the issue with the “new posts by” search to the developers as well. Thanks!

While we work on the search problem, just a heads up that you can use Google’s advanced search to look for search terms on our site. Just enter our web address in the “site or domain” field. Try it here:


The nature of Google’s search is such that it can’t give me “new posts by” a particular user, only pages on which their name appears. Trust me, it’s not a suitable stopgap for my requirements. :frowning:

Could this please become a priority to fix? Searching by user would be very helpful for our Secret Santa investigations. :slight_smile: