I obviously don’t know the correct way to use “Search”, as nothing I’m looking for shows up.
Can anyone give me a run down? Thank you.
I obviously don’t know the correct way to use “Search”, as nothing I’m looking for shows up.
Can anyone give me a run down? Thank you.
What words are you searching for? The search function ignores anything with less than 4 letters, so many common horse words such as “bit” are impossible to search for.
In that case you can use Google to search the forums by putting the following in the search box there:
site:chronicleforums.com bit
replace “bit” with whatever your search term is.
I’ll try that. I was using longer words. Thanks!
We just posted (at long last!) a link to a general vBulletin user’s guide/FAQ, which gives a quick rundown of many of the bells and whistles offered through their BB platform.
There’s some info about “searching” there that may be of help.
Have you tried using the advanced search features that allow you to hunt for terms by thread title, etc.? What kind of problem are you having?
Feel free to PM/email me with the specifics if you’d rather not go into it in the open forum.
Mod 1
Advanced Search worked beautifully! Many thanks!!!