'SEARCH' on forums

So do I.

My cookies are set to clear themselves every so often.
If you have a problem with them, do that, in history, I think.

Oh, and back. Only reason I am posting this is maybe a rough timeline helps troubleshoot what is going on… Shrug

only place I am seeing Search is inside an individual open thread. It is not present when you have the forum group page open. It appears to be non-functional

Laptop running Chrome

Now gone again, blank space.

Glad I saw this thread- thought I was losing my mind! Instead it’s just the search box that I’ve lost.

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So you see the ads but not the search box? The search box is way at the top right under the FB/Twitter icons (or whatever you call them :slight_smile: ).

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I’m curious if this is a propagation issue.


Some servers have a search less page, and are displaying that, while others have search. How you get routed depends on day to day traffic, so you sometimes you see it and sometimes you don’t.

Seems like it should have resolved by now but the internet is mysterious 🤷

For me, it is all or nothing.
Either the whole column, search tab, ads and COTH links, or all blank.
Never know what it will be or how for long either will stay on.

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Entire right-side column gone again this morning. No ads, search box, etc.

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Funny, I often don’t notice if they are there or not until I come here.

They were there a few minutes ago but now gone.

Yep. were there, now gone.

What I just noticed…

I have a link that takes me directly to the main Forum page. I see I have a notification and notice, upon reading the notification, that I have “stuff” on the right side (as I can see the top of one ad and the top half of the next ad. Didn’t scroll down to see what else was or wasn’t in that mystery right side.

Click my back arrow to go back to the main Forum page and, presto, the right side is now gone… ?

And yes as I am typing this reply, the right side is back again…

Gone again ATM…


Yup. After a few days of being there, including earlier today… right side is gone again. :slight_smile:

And now they’re back again…

Then they were missing for part of the day, back again now.

I think this may just be a problem we will have to live with.
Want to use the search function and is missing?
Wait a bit and it will be back, sooner or later.


It seems the SEARCH function is gone again…and so are all the Right Hand ads…running Firefox on a Mac

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Same with Safari… gone… but I’m sure they’ll magikally reappear :slight_smile:

Glad to know I wasn’t hallucinating…

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