Why is it when I go to search the forums for posts or threads on a particular subject, like trucks for towing horse trailers, and I put it in, that the Search returns a bunch of stuff that has no relationship to what I’m asking? I know that that topic has been discussed and discussed, so why am I not getting any correct responses?
And when I tried to search recent posts for a member, I was only getting really old stuff, from 2007? When they have posted very recently?
I am having search issues as well! Only three threads come up when I search under my user name. And only very old threads come up when I do a general search on a topic.
The search function has not been working properly since the software upgrade, and it’s been reported to the development crew for repair. Hopefully we’ll have it operational soon! In the meantime, you can search the site via an external search engine like Google’s advanced search
Enter your search terms and then put “www.chronofhorse.com” in the search by domain or site name, and it’ll look for those terms just on our site.
Thanks for your patience as we sort out the glitches!
Mod 1
I do see that search issues have been noted, but given it has been a few days, I just want to ask about searching under/via a profile – why is it that you can only search for “recent” posts and recent threads started by a user? The time frame must be really short because it really just returns a few things. How can we search for “all” posts and threads started by username via going to the profile, like we used to be able to do? TIA
Also, will we have friends lists back, or are they gone for good?
I do see that search issues have been noted, but given it has been a few days, I just want to ask about searching under/via a profile – why is it that you can only search for “recent” posts and recent threads started by a user? The time frame must be really short because it really just returns a few things. How can we search for “all” posts and threads started by username via going to the profile, like we used to be able to do? TIA
Also, will we have friends lists back, or are they gone for good?[/QUOTE]
The search function turns up 10 pages of posts, whether it’s for a person’s recent posts via their profile, or for a regular search via the search engine. This parameter was set a fairly long time before the software upgrade to, from what I understand, help decrease the load on the system in having to return full results for every search.
You can use the advanced search function (click search, then go advanced) to narrow results down further by time frame, forum, etc. Please be sure to click the “search single content” tab at the top of the screen to get the search engine that’s most similar to our old one. We’re working on switching it around so that tab turns up as the default.
The new software has a more social network-y approach to friends, etc., part of which we’ve disabled. The default Friends feature on the new software functions more like Facebook, where everyone can see your friend list, people have to accept friend requests, etc. We didn’t think that was something our community was interested in implementing.
You can add another user as a “Contact” via “Settings” (your old User CP) from the blue bar at the top of the page. From what I read, the Contact list functions like the Friends list did on the old version of the software.
Anyone else find any differences between the two?
Mod 1