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Searching for a saddle and need help!

I’m currently looking for a saddle and am hoping to get some advice on what to be looking at. I’m on a tight budget (under $1000). Definitely needs to be close contact, ideally wool flocked. This whole process is a little overwhelming! I would rather have a nicer saddle used than something new. any advice on what to be looking at is appreciated! Thanks!

What kind of saddle are you looking for (dressage, jumping)? What is your horse’s conformation? What is your conformation? If you provide more information others will be better able to help you.

I also will suggest more info. The following is helpful and what seat size.

Conformation shots, no tack or pad. Horse square, head up, directly from the side, of the entire horse and one from right behind the tail on a mounting block looking toward the mane, head up and straight, feet square.