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Searching for a unicorn bridle

Hoping to crowd source some suggestions for bridles for an extremely ear shy horse! This mare needs to have a bridle put on over her poll, like a halter without a throat snap, rather than pulled on in the traditional fashion. The horse has improved significantly in her comfort level with handling of her head, but I don’t ever anticipate being able to regularly pull a bridle over her ears, nor do I feel that it’s fair at this point to push the issue. With that said, I am hoping for some creative suggestions on finding the right bridle for her. Most of my tack has been around for years and was sponsor-provided, so I’m not up on the current trends and all the bridles currently available- it’s overwhelming!

Horse currently goes in a Micklem, due to the single strap cheek that makes it easy to buckle the bridle over her head. This single-strap design is pretty necessary, as cramming 2-3 straps of leather (throat latch, cheekpiece, noseband) through the browband then buckling it all is a lot to juggle and gets the mare’s nerves going. Even monocrown bridles generally have three pieces that need to go through the browband and if we do that every day, I think she’s going to get very tricky to bridle again (we have a good system now with the one strap, but it took TIME to get there!). The issue is that she does not need the mouth strap in front of the bit, and I think she would go better without, as we deal with some jaw tension. I have found a couple of others that also have the single cheek strap but all have a mouth strap as well. Does this kind of setup exist with a plain cavesson? Any suggestions of others, before I go full custom and spend an ungodly amount of money on a bridle?

Also- needs to be USEA/USDF legal!

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

I would look into this one! Not sure if usef/usdf legal but definitely interesting. https://www.kramer.co.uk/Horse/Bridles-Accessories/Cavesson-Flash-Nosebands/Bridle-Anatomical-Vision-Space

I think this one is legal, but I would definitely email USEF before buying anything. It does have a regular throatlatch, not sure if that’s a problem.

You could also probably get Bartville or another Amish shop to make you something if you figure out exactly what you want. (For example having a snap instead of a buckle on the cheek on one side.)

Maybe this one? https://www.totalsaddlefit.com/products/better-bridle

Maybe an option?
I can put on my QH’s browband less headstall without fiddling with his ears at all. I use this one for him… https://nrsworld.com/products/rope-series-wigwam-headstall?variant=30443789320292

You could get a snap browband, then you could just snap it on after everything is buckled rather than having to thread the pieces through.


have this TSF one and highly recommend!

Maybe have a crown altered so it has a buckle on top of the poll? Some dressage bridles have this feature.

Do you have any pics of it on? How’s the leather quality? I’m super interested in it but they are so new I haven’t seen much about them yet.

Would she tolerate something like this? https://www.dyon.be/en/bridlework/difference-bridle-brown-full-d-collection

I have been eyeing this bridle since I first saw it and with your endorsement my fingers are itching to order! Would love any additional thoughts you have to share. How is the sizing?

try googling “mule bridle” - they often are particular with their ears, and I’ve seen bridles with an extra buckle for them

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its not really bespoke custom. they ask for head measurements. I really like it because the browband is inserted thru a slot in the cheek pieces. I also like that there is room for horses to see.Good British leather.

This might be another option, no noseband at all!


No idea what your mare’s behavior stems from, so throwing this out there. Have you tried pairing haltering and bridling with treats?

Another option is to put a halter on, then a bridle with no browband or noseband, for a while. Then add just the browband, then take away the halter, etc.

Wishing you all the best!

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