I located the breeder of my mare, Mr. Thomas Nilsen, of Gordonville, VA. He sold the broodmare named Binka several years ago (my mare’s dam). Her breeding is sire-Budweiser and dam-unknown thoroughbred. Does anyone own this mare? Do you know of the person who does and their phone number? I am trying to register my mare KWPN but without DNA testing of her dam she cannot be. I have the DNA testing from her sire. My mare’s dam could be used in any discipline. It has been a search which has led me to the breeder of my mare but then I found that her sire had died and the breeder had sold her dam several years ago and does not remember to whom he sold her. I at least now have the breeding coverage certificate with all the information concerning her sire. If I can find her dam and if the owner agrees for DNA testing then my mare can be registered due to her lineage.

I truly hope someone has some information for me.
Thank you for your time and your ideas!

Thanks again K. for helping me find the breeder!

What year was your mare born>? What year was her dam born? Which Budweiser?


My mare was born 6/16/2003 in Somerset, Virginia. Mr. Nilsen had a breeding farm there for sport horses (jumper,
foxhunters, etc.) but then he moved to Gordonville. I don’t know the year the dam was born. I wish I had more info to give you.

The sire Budweiser is KWPN registered and was standing at the Bochman stables in Germany before he was imported to Australia.