Seasonal allergies (human, that is).

Seasonal allergies (human, that is).

Did I say that right? :smiley:

Now, besides the darn seasonal allergies, which are bad right now, I’m allergic to hay & straw (some batches worse than others).

The worst times for me are now (grasses) & the fall (mold).

I’m taking Singulair or Claritin and using a Neti-pot (filtered water). I’m still sneezing, itchy throat, drippy nose & that, though.

I can’t fit allergy shots into my schedule, at this time in life.

Any other ideas?


I was taking Limbrel earlier this year for inflammation & pain. Curiously, one of the more pleasant side effects was that I missed spring hayfever. I haven’t really seen anything that says it’s supposed to help with seasonal allergies, but it sure did. Since I’ve gone off of it, I’ve noticed a huge difference, and not for the better.

I’ve personally had better luck with Zrytec than Claritin, but I’m sure that’s different for everyone.

Benadryl does a great job relieving my symptoms, but I can barely stay conscious on it, so I only use it at bedtime. But sometimes doing so helps me be a little less stuffy and itchy during the day.

I’m also horribly allergic to ragweed, so mowing the pasture has helped some as well. Years ago, before we got a mower that could handle the pasture, the ragweed would bloom, I’d dart out to feed as fast as I could, and literally sneeze until my nose bled. Profusely :dead: With a grass allergy, that’s probably not something the OP can do to help, but it might be helpful to someone else reading.

Try NasalCrom. It’s very safe and it really works! June grasses are the worst.

2nd Zyrtec over Claritin anyday. But Allegra works the very best for me. This season is horrid.

Singulair, Zyrtec and Astelin. Take a shower every night before bed. Make your room pet free and dust free. That’s my daughter’s recipe.

Ooooh, lots of new possibilities to look up. Thanks, all.

Redmares: Limbrel: Wow, I’m all about inflammation & pain (alas, fibromyalgia and lots of other issues) plus if it works on allergies. I have to try this.

Wayside: and literally sneeze until my nose bled.
Oh, you poor thing ! That’s crazy.

I’ll try the Nasalcrom. I use a cortisone nasal spray when things are bad. It works quite well. Astelin - I’ll get that, also.

Yesterday was soo bad,
Singulair in the a.m., netipot rinse, p.m.- 25 mgs Benadryl & Nasicort (nasal cortisone spray), had to just go to bed due to the runny head & flu like feeling, later on half of a 25 mg benadryl.


Does Benadryl make you feel sick the next day? It does to me - headache, dizzy, foggy, nausea , . . .

Do you think using filtered water (Pur filter which goes on the kitchen faucet) for the Neti-pot is enough to keep the bad things (parasites) out of the water or do I need to go buy distilled water?

Wishing you sneeze free, itch free days,

If you can find local raw honey, I highly recommend it! Eat a spoonful if it once or twice a day. It took about a month for me to really tell that it works, but it made a huge difference. As someone who always had the worst allergies and sniffles year round, I was suddenly the only person not seriously suffering when the pollen count was high. I do still use claritin but don’t suffer nearly like I used to. I’ve also done the neti pot and nasalcrom.

Hmmm, how does the raw honey work, I wonder. Tx, HTC.

Do NOT EVER EVER EVER use a neti pot without distilled water. Maybe other sterile water is OK but I don’t know.

Folks have DIED from using tap water with their neti pot. The bacteria goes into the brain.

Probably super rare, but not worth the risk…

the local honey is made by bees gathering nearby pollens. A small dose of it supposedly makes you immune, like the allergy shot theory. Some folks swear by it, but it must be locally made, and raw as HTC suggests.

Absolutely sterile water for the neti pot.

Try wearing the 3m mask during the night (and day if you don’t mind it.) Getting 8 hours of clear, no allergen nasal time can really help you feel better when you are dealing with allergies. Your allergy load is cumulative so you really do want to keep the numbers down. Good luck. (if you have trouble finding it, I think Allergy Control Products has them avaialble.)

You might want to try MSM…make sure it is pure and of good quality. I have terrible allergies, and this year has been better. Start off with a low dose and work your way up. Worth a try:)

Yep, supposedly it works like allergy shots. There is a small amount of pollen left behind when the bees make their honey and it helps desensitize your body. Or si I’ve heard. All I know is it works for me. I actually was using honey when I lived in another state and when I moved it seemed like I still had some built up resistance to the new pollens. So while everything says it must be local, you may still get some benefit from any raw honey even if it’s not local. I am one of the ones that swear by it! Although it’s not 100% and I still use some antihistamines.

Thanks all. Where does one start to look for local raw honey?

How does MSM work, Meloria?

COTHers are so smart ! :slight_smile:

Ooooh, lots of new possibilities to look up. Thanks, all.

Redmares: Limbrel: Wow, I’m all about inflammation & pain (alas, fibromyalgia and lots of other issues) plus if it works on allergies. I have to try this.

Wayside: and literally sneeze until my nose bled.
Oh, you poor thing ! That’s crazy.

I’ll try the Nasalcrom. I use a cortisone nasal spray when things are bad. It works quite well. Astelin - I’ll get that, also.

Yesterday was soo bad,
Singulair in the a.m., netipot rinse, p.m.- 25 mgs Benadryl & Nasicort (nasal cortisone spray), had to just go to bed due to the runny head & flu like feeling, later on half of a 25 mg benadryl.


Does Benadryl make you feel sick the next day? It does to me - headache, dizzy, foggy, nausea , . . .

Do you think using filtered water (Pur filter which goes on the kitchen faucet) for the Neti-pot is enough to keep the bad things B[/B] out of the water or do I need to go buy distilled water?

Wishing you sneeze free, itch free days,

I would boil the water. Brain eating amoeba are nasty

I cool the boiled, hot water with distilled water.
2nd showering at night - including washing or at least rinsing your hair. Otherwise all of the dust, pollen and allergens end up on your pillow:eek:

Because I have skin as well as nasal allergies, clothes are washed daily.

Have heard that local, again that is local honey is good to relieve allergies. Good sources of local honey are farmers’ market or a local farm that sells produce to the general public. Also some grocery stores or fruit/vegetable stands will stock local honey.

A good 24 hr antihistimine, you will have to see which one works with you body chemistry.

Windows closed, change air filters regularly and ugh - vacuum/dust to keep the allergens down.

Good Luck!

If you have a farmers market or a health food store you may find honey there. Otherwise try googling local honey and some of the larger towns near you. That helped me find some when I moved. Originally I found mine at the local health food coop.

I take hydroxyzine pamoate for my allergies. Every night, and double up to 50 mg when needed. I have more problems with hives than nasal allergies though. Claritin during the day too when the allergens are really bad.

Dust mites are my nemesis. I use cetirizine hydrochloride and psuedoephrine (generic zyrtec-d) and nasalcrom. Pollen is no issue.

Warm weather is generally better as I get outside more. But during prolonged periods without rain outside is just as bad as inside.

Benadryl at night when it is really bad and still working on convincing the hubby that vacuuming and dusting should be his chores and not mine. Benadryl does not make me feel bad at all. I am however a good junkie and with 2 Benadryl caps I am down for at least 10 hrs of deep sleep. Feel wonder and rested the next day.