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Second cat introduction advice!

Great news! I know Ghost is thrilled!

His two-week quarantine will work in your favor for introductions. My friend’s vet recommended feeding both cats side by side (as close as possible on either side of the door) so they associated the other one with good experiences while they got used to each other.

We’re on Day 5. Ghost is happy to eat by the door and stick his paws under it. Shadow has moments where he is relaxed and curious, and moments where he would like to put a curse on the entirety of Ghost’s bloodline. He won’t eat by the door, but I’m gradually moving his meal closer and closer, marking the floor with painter’s tape. We’re now in the living room in sight of the guest room door instead of all the way in the kitchen, which is progress LOL


So I’d been getting pretty nervous about these two. Some interactions on either side of the door went well, and some were a ton of hissing and growling from both parties that had me convinced they’d never get along.

Well…yesterday I was leaving Ghost’s saferoom, and I’m usually pretty fast, but this time I had stuff in my arms from putting down an area rug and couldn’t get over the baby gate AND close the door fast enough. Shadow was RIGHT there and I thought oh crap, not good. But he surprised me and came to the gate chirping and sticking his paw through trying to touch Ghost like I’ve seen him do with his other cat buddies, and Ghost seemed a little confused but otherwise happy to be there. A bit out of the order of usual introductions, but I think it must’ve happened for a reason because they’ve been been a lot calmer since they got to see each other. Now when I give them a peek of each other, they either try to touch each other through the gate (weirdos!) or look at me like “yeah cool, I’ve seen him before, big whoop Mom” LOL.

Ghost still has to keep his boogies to himself for another 7 days, but I’m now looking forward to letting them really interact through the gate. For now I’ve just been giving them glimpses since Ghost is still “in quarantine”.


We adopted the best cat in the world when his owners moved and left him outside in the winter. The neighbors knew they had moved and called animal control where a recuse came in and got him into a foster home. He is an absolute love beast and the best boy ever.


Just to come back to this and close it out, Shadow & Ghost now hang out all day every day. Ghost is a little intimidated by Shadow and they’re still figuring it out, but generally, it seems like these two might learn to be buds. :grin:


Isn’t it great when it finally works out?

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Quick update! These two are really coming together. Shadow is very attached to him, but Ghost is still quite nervous. He takes a wide path around Shadow and doesn’t come in the master bedroom very often. I did get a two hour window one night where they BOTH slept with us and it was heaven but, nothing since. I am hoping it’s something that will fade with time and trust between them, but it’s beautiful to see them together. :slightly_smiling_face: